Juliet Simms has a little dagger tattoo on her right middle finger.
She also updated the crescent moon on her index finger. It was initially solid black, but it had almost completely worn off, so she put an outline around it and added a little dot.
Juliet Simms has at least 25 tattoos. All of her tattoos have personal meaning and stories behind them. She told Inked Magazine: "All my tattoos are completely original. They are well thought-out and something I design and work out with the artist."
Juliet Simms has at least 28 known tattoos:
Juliet Simms has a little dagger tattoo on her right middle finger.
She also updated the crescent moon on her index finger. It was initially solid black, but it had almost completely worn off, so she put an outline around it and added a little dot.
Juliet Simms got her nickname “JuJu” and a rose tattooed on left the side of her neck by artist Romeo Lacoste in February 2017. She wrote on her instagram:
Thank you so much @romeolacoste for my new tattoos! Officially my new favorite ink! I can’t believe how smooth and pain free it was and the line work you did blows my mind! @andyblack and I had so much fun meeting and chatting with you and I can’t wait to get more beautiful work done by you!
Juliet Simms and pal Julianne Hope got matching finger tattoos in April 2015. Both girls have the word “fire” written in cursive on the insides of their index fingers, but Juliet opted for red ink while her friend chose black. “Spontaneous finger tats with my girl @juliannehope,” Juliet wrote on instagram. (more…)
Juliet Simms got a large tattoo on her upper left thigh of an eagle in flight from artist Robert Atkinson in October 2014. The eagle is symbol of the ascension of Christ. She wrote on instagram: “Resurrect. New tattoo by the incredible @robertatkinson_tattoo ? I love it Robert thank you!!? Check out his tattoo shop on Ventura in Sherman Oaks! ‘Ten Thousand Waves Tattoo Gallery’ #eagle #tattoos #spiritanimal #robertatkinson #tenthousandwaves”
In December 2013, Juliet Simms got this tattoo on her left bicep which says “But only the tigers survive.” This a a quote from author and Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s book Keeping Scientology Working. Her parents are both very active in the church of Scientology. (more…)
Juliet Simms and her husband Andy Biersack got matching crescent moon tattoos on their fingers to remind each other that even when they are apart, they are still under the same moon. They visited artist Shaun Kama in November 2013, right before Andy departed for a European tour with his band Black Veil Brides.
“Thank you to @halloweentattoos for giving @andybvb and I our ? tattoos Something to hold on to or look at when where we’re apart. Have a good tour my love. #alwaysunderthesamemoon #mymoonmystars” Juliet wrote on her Instagram.
Juliet’s tattoo didn’t hold it’s color and she later had it redone as an outline.
Juliet Simms’ skull tattoo on her left middle finger knuckle was first done at Shamrock Social Club in September 2012 (bottom right) with three bent teeth. Two weeks later, in October 2012, artist Shaun Kama aka Halloween Tattoos added black edges around the outside of the skull, covering up the teeth (top right).
Juliet Simms has an arrow tattoo along the outside of her left pinkie finger.
Juliet Simms got this tattoo of a rose on the right side of her stomach in September 2012. (more…)
Juliet Simms has writing which goes all the way around her upper right arm. It is lyrics from her husband Andy Biersack’s band Black Veil Brides: “When I hear your cries, Praying for life, I will be there” from the song “Saviour.” She first showed off this tattoo in October 2011 at the same time as her “Andy” tattoo.
Of all the many tattoos that Juliet Simms has for her husband Andy Biersack, the most obvious is his name “Andy” on her upper right arm. Photos of this tattoo surfaced in October 2011.
This heart with a cross inside it on Juliet Simms’ right ring finger is one of two tattoos that she got for her husband Andy Biersack in August 2011. She writes: “First prison tat. Inward heart = taken. Upside down cross = a symbol for my dragonfly <3.”
In August 2011, Juliet Simms got two tattoos for her husband Andy Biersack of Black Veil Brides, also known as Andy Six or Andy Black. Andy has “Dragonfly” tattooed on his left hand, which is his nickname for Juliet; and she has her nickname for Andy, “White Rabbit,” tattooed on her right hand. The T’s are replaced with upside down crosses, which are a symbol for Andy.
Juliet Simms got this tiny equal sign tattoo on the back of her wrist during the 2011 Warped Tour to show her support for equal rights.
Juliet Simms has “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints” written along her left wrist and hand. This is a line from Billy Joel’s song “Only The Good Die Young.”
Juliet Simms has a tattoo along the outside of her left index finger of a cross with a chain attached to it.
In September 2010 Juliet Simms got a panther on her right shoulder blade. It’s done in a Sailor Jerry style, and Juliet says it was her first traditional tattoo. “The meaning behind it is that it’s clawing its way up my back. I got it at a point of my life where I was clawing my way to the top, basically.”
Juliet Simms has the words “I carry the fire” tattooed along her right forearm. Juliet says: “’I carry the fire’ means in our family that you carry the passion and that you are essentially a leader. You know, ‘I’m carrying the fire so follow me.’” She got this tattoo in the summer of 2010 and later released a song called “Carry The Fire” on the 2011 Automatic Loveletter acoustic album The Kids Will Take Their Monsters On.
During Warped Tour 2010 Juliet Simms added two tattoos on her right forearm. Below her elbow is a solid black eagle. She says: “I have an American eagle because I’m Cherokee Indian, which is also why I have a feather on my back.”
Juliet Simms has a large snake tattoo on her left leg that starts right below her knee and goes down to her ankle. It covers the small treble clef on her ankle which was her first tattoo at age 15. She is obsessed with snakes and calls her fans “Snakeys.”
Juliet Simms has this tattoo of a feather on her left shoulder blade a tribute to her Cherokee heritage.
Juliet Simms is a huge fan of The Beatles and has two tattoos of their lyrics. About this tattoo, she tells: “It says ‘Happiness is a Warm Gun,’ which is one my favorite Beatles songs. I know what it’s about [heroin] and I don’t do that, but it is one my favorite Beatles songs.” Next to the lyrics is a little shotgun.
Beneath her left breast, Juliet Simms has a rose with thorns and the words “O Romeo, Romeo!” which is quote from Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. She got this tattoo because her name is Juliet.
On the right side of her back, Juliet Simms has a tattoo of the lyrics “I Believe in Yesterday” from the Beatles’ song “Yesterday,” one of her favorite songs.
On her right thigh, Juliet has some of her own lyrics. It says “Anticipation is killing me when butterflies have knives cutting up my insides,” which comes from an unreleased Automatic Loveletter song called “Someday.” The letters are stacked vertically and after the last words are the Japanese symbols for love and pain in red ink. Juliet jokes that the top symbol looks like a drunk smiley face.
Juliet Simms has a large tattoo on her upper left arm of a heart pierced by a dagger. There is a ribbon wrapped around it with the words “True Love.”
On the inside of Juliet Simms’ right arm is the mark from the movie “Willow.” This is a matching tattoo with her ex-boyfriend, who is now her tour manager and best friend.
I love how everyone who knows nothing about their actual heritage all assume their part cherokee. Honestly EVERYONE who isnt actuallly indian claims their grandmothers were cherokee princesses. Newsflash…. Cherokee princesses never existed…there was literally no such thing.
came from infopadd
What does the at to on ur left shoulder blade say that appears in the movie GHOST HOUSE? AMAZING MOVIE!!!!
The Dragonfly & White Rabbit tattoos were actually written in each other’s handwriting. Juliet said in a RockSound interview a while ago that was filmed with Andy, that Andy had written ‘white rabbit’ on her hand where the tattoo is and Juliet wrote ‘dragonfly’ on Andy’s tattoo and I guess it was a spur of the moment thing and the two got the nicknames tattooed.
Yes, Cherokee Indian.. There’s are two bands, if she’s the not the right band then that just means those are white people who say they’re Cherokee. Sorry if that offended anyone..
Also an arrow on her pinky finger and butterflies on her shoulder
Juliet has several new tattoos. She has a skull on her finger, a crescent moon on her finger(matches her bf Andy’s), a quote on her upper arm, and a rose near her hip.
Great style <3 <3 I very good
Are You Still Dating Andy Six ( Andy Biersack ) ?
Yes she is still dating andy
Of course she is!
They are now married ♥
…so sorry for this poor woman…she has destroyed her body with ridiculous tattoo’s…please do not use her as any kind of a roll model……shame.
Is the person who doesn’t know the difference between “role” and “roll”, who’s also judging a person purely based on tattoos that she has, without knowing the first thing about the woman in question, really trying to dictate who should and shouldn’t be a role model to other people?
it is not your opinion. Tattoos symbolize indentity and induviduality, and she is my role model. the only person should be shamed is yourself telling people what to do and what to believe.
…You know, those tattoos are not ridiculous because they came from her heart. And if she is dating Andy Biersack, that means that she did something right and she is not shameful. She is my role model, and I really think that her and Andy are perfect together because if he is happy because of her, I am too. Don’t judge a person because of what they have on their body. If she had scars you would probably think the same way to. But you are wrong. People like you are always wrong. You judge by appearance. Stop.
To be honest you spelled tattoos wrong. Maybe you should be spending more time worrying about your self than an amazing person like Juliet Simms
Seriously out of words
Tattoos are art
I mean I wanted one of the dragon fly or white rabbit tattoos because I think they are beautiful so damn it be quite cause u are idiot guy who wants to ruin people’s lives
You may not like her tattoos. But plenty of other people do. I’m one of those people. I think she herself is gorgeous. And her tattoos are also beautiful just like herself. Just because you don’t like tattoos, doesn’t mean no one else will. So what. She shouldn’t be my role model because of tattoos? But then you get other celebrities that prance around pretty much naked but it’s ok for them to be role models. No. I don’t think so!
They should do a Steahhisstyle
swear some of you guys are blind. Andy and Juliet love each other more than you could imagine. They are also adorably amazing together. You can see it in the way they smile when they are together. I don’t even want to hear any of that “Juliet doesn’t treat him right” shit because that’s your way of justifying your unwarranted hate for her, you know it’s not true. Also Juliet is an amazing and talented singer, you’re probably jealous of that too. Have you even listened to her music? I’m sure if she was really that bad, they wouldn’t have her on Wretched and Divine… Whatever, I love them both and I’m sure even if they don’t last forever in a “romantic” relationship, their friendship will be Sempiternal. Lastly I’d like to say she is beautiful and you have no reason to call her ugly. K
For every Andy/Juliet hater who thinks they should break up and that they couldn’t possibly be happy, shut up. No one cares. It’s their business. No couple is perfectly happy, every couple has their ups and downs. It can’t be easy living in the spotlight like that. Don’t you think that if either one of them weren’t happy with the relationship they’d possibly end it? I mean come on. And anyway, who cares what they do with their lives? They’re just people. Worry about your own life.
Oh my god, she broke THE NUMBER ONE RULE to tattooing. NEVER EVER get a boyfriends name tattoed on yourself. See, if youv’e been married for 22 years, thats different. But SERIOUSLY? They have been together for how long? A year? Not to mention that most bands that tour don’t have very long relationships. God, Andy. What were you thinking! I’m not telling you to break up with her or how to run his life, but HOLY SHIT!!!
Andy and juliet have been together for 4 years. Andy has been supportive to julet. He means everything to her and she means everything to him. Did you not notice that he went to watch her on the voice despite all the fangirl attacks he probably got? I think its cute that she got a tattoo saying andy!
I believe she has more tatts now…finger tatts? In a photo on NeverTakeitOffs instagram.
Also about the tattoos she has that are dedicated to Andy.. I’m sure she wouldn’t get them removed regardless of how their relationship goes and Andy wouldn’t remove or cover his up either.
@Allison, he covered up Scout Taylor Compton’s, right? The mortician’s Daughter? It’s on his shoulder and as covered up as you can possibly get it.
@Allison & Jem, he’ll cover up her big nose, her corns, her wigs. Everything that symbolizes her when this is over.
I swear some of you guys are blind. Andy and Juliet love each other more than you could imagine. They are also adorably amazing together. You can see it in the way they smile when they are together. I don’t even want to hear any of that “Juliet doesn’t treat him right” shit because that’s your way of justifying your unwarranted hate for her, you know it’s not true. Also Juliet is an amazing and talented singer, you’re probably jealous of that too. Have you even listened to her music? I’m sure if she was really that bad, they wouldn’t have her on Wretched and Divine… Whatever, I love them both and I’m sure even if they don’t last forever in a “romantic” relationship, their friendship will be Sempiternal. Lastly I’d like to say she is beautiful and you have no reason to call her ugly. K
her singing sucks i have heard her live and its just terrible
bullshit. i dont see you coming second on the voice. i dont see you playing in a band and touring?
For every Andy/Juliet hater who thinks they should break up and that they couldn’t possibly be happy, shut up. No one cares. It’s their business. No couple is perfectly happy, every couple has their ups and downs. It can’t be easy living in the spotlight like that. Don’t you think that if either one of them weren’t happy with the relationship they’d possibly end it? I mean come on. And anyway, who cares what they do with their lives? They’re just people. Worry about your own life.
Many people, or at least “Black Veil Brides” Fans hate Juliet just for the reason of her dating the lead singer, Andrew Biersack.
Juliet is beautiful, sweet, caring, and absoulutely talented.
Whether they were dating or not, what makes you think Andrew would date you anyways?
He doesn’t even know you, and most of his fans are around the ages of 12-16 when it comes to girls. He wouldn’t date someone that young.
If you really loved Andrew, you’d be happy for him and appreciate Juliet.
@Lexi, I doubt that’s true. I think they’re just sick of her because she is untalented. If she made music as good as Paramore, you’d be surprised how many haters would start to like her & be in her corner. As it is now, her music is some of the worse ever recorded. And Andy’s fans are tired of him asking them to listen to it and especially buy it. Blech. Look at Rob Pattinson’s current girlfriend FKA Twigs. Now she is AWESOME. she is a mixture of like Josephine Baker and other things. She’s awesome. Her music is rad. She’s up for major awards this year for her music. SHE has talent.
Juliet Simms has not talent. At all. Oliver Sykes girlfriend Hannah is a very talented tattoo artist. She’s good. She’s got great style with her own personal styling. Juliet on the other hand, dresses like a trailer park, bell-bottom wearing, hobo. And Juliet’s nose is the biggest I’ve ever seen in my life. She’s just awful to look at. Not stylish at all. Not at all. Gerard Way’s wife is talented and lovely. She has great style to look at and she’s interesting to listen to. Juliet is NONE of those things. See, nobody is jealous because she’s dating Andy, they just want her to be replaced with somebody who is interesting & talented, or get off the scene, or something, or get a nose job, or go back to school, or something.
You should go back to your mom’s uterus and fucking choke on her insides.
Juliet is pretty, I LOVE her nose it’s different it’s hers and it suits her perfectly.
She is not THE most beautiful woman on earth, and she is no fucking shiny plastic “perfect” like the 272893 Kardashians & Jenners out there, but that’s what makes her even more beautiful to me, and what makes her stand out and be so amazing & interesting. She is definitely not perfect and neither is she trying to be, she’s kind of a tomboy and dresses weird sometimes and her hair & makeup aren’t perfectly gorgeous all the time and she is fucking RELATABLE.
Look at you, lol… !!!!
Fucking pathetic. Talking shit about her nose. It’s cause of girls/people like you that young women (and even older ones) completely lack self-esteem nowadays and are obsessed with beauty and looks and “being the most beautiful the most perfect the more desired THE HOTTEST” and have ZERO DEPTH AND PERSONALITY AND CONFIDENCE.
They are way too fucking busy being concerned with their fucking nose!
Seriously, realize how fucking dumb and dreadfully superficial you are and change & improve NOW, for your sake.
Andy is handsomer than Juliet and Andy does not have to be tattooed if sure next year he short with she.
To all you people hating on Juliet’s Andy tattoos and saying Andy doesn’t look happy with her.
If you look at recent pictures of them, especially ones of them backstage like at, http://www.fanpix.net/7260462/020566335/andy-sixx-and-juliet-simms-picture.html
Look at Andy’s smile and look at his eyes and tell me he looks sad. He looks happy.
Andrea u r not going to get it ok because I m going to tell your mom kk
I like tats and am thinking about getting a matching one with the guy I love…but getting a guys name tattoed on your arm is stupid! Itll be a constant reminder of him if they ever brake up.
Oh my god, she broke THE NUMBER ONE RULE to tattooing. NEVER EVER get a boyfriends name tattoed on yourself. See, if youv’e been married for 22 years, thats different. But SERIOUSLY? They have been together for how long? A year? Not to mention that most bands that tour don’t have very long relationships. God, Andy. What were you thinking! I’m not telling you to break up with her or how to run his life, but HOLY SHIT!!!!
I hate Juliet she is a terible singer and a terible girlfriend to andy
Well she’s obviously not a terrible singer if shes famous… Its just that you dont like her
Andy and juliet have been together for 4 years. Andy has been supportive to julet. He means everything to her and she means everything to him. Did you not notice that he went to watch her on the voice despite all the fangirl attacks he probably got? I think its cute that she got a tattoo saying andy!
I hate andy and Juliet Simms together the are not a great couple they should break up!
I totally agree he looks so unhappy with her -Not saying this cause im a fangirl cause im not lol-
I’m a fan of Andy just not Juliet. Juliet makes Andy look unhappy
are you blind? have you even seen how unbelievably happy they are around each other
EXACTLY! If andy was unhappy with her would he get a tattoo saying dragonfly?
EXACTLY! If andy was unhappy with her would he get a tattoo saying dragonfly??
Notice how they don’t post lovey dovey things on Twitter anymore.. They wont last forever, Not to be rude. It was a rush of young love.
i hate tats
@Anonymous, Then why did you come here, fool?
i personally hope they do break up it serves her right she went totally overboard with it one small one is okay but four yeah no
Yes I agree that they are not great together I think Andy should go with someone else.
Kara I’m sorry but you are so stupid! Andy is more famous than she and if Andy wants to break up he would make it long time ago. He just LOVE her so much ! :) (sorry for my english i’m from Poland ;p)
Annie, you are the one who is “so stupid”. Who would pay Juliet’s bills is he dumped her? How would she eat and have clothes to wear since she can’t keep a job? All she does is take selfies and wait for Andy. They already broke up a while back but got back together. Remember that stupid song called “End of The world” that she wrote for him? They had broken up. And he will dump her again. He’s tired of trying to help her find a job. And her singing is getting worse by the day. It’s just terrible. Most people are “Andy fangirls” as you say because Juliet has no fans except maybe 100-200 total. Not even that.
i am a big fan of juliet, i support her no matter what. She isnt in and out of jobs, as you can imagine, it is hard for women to enter the ‘rock’ scene. if you know her story, you wouldnt be saying this. she has had a rough life and massive problems but she is still here and going strong. and andy and juliets relationship isnt our concern. if they like/love each other, they will stay together
@Chelsea, she hasn’t had a “rough life”, she is always a “victim”. That’s how she sees herself. Did you know that Ceelo Green lost his father when he was 2 years old & then his mother ended up paralyzed & died when Ceelo was 18? So he lost BOTH his parents by 18, is (I’m sorry to say) FAT, bald, not handsome, and Black, and he still made it. Juliet is a white woman with both parents & Andy and all these people helping her constantly, including Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman, and Bryan Stars. A LOT of people continue to help her and when she sings, she stops singing in the middle of songs to sit back and drink water. Yes! I have seen her completely shut down a song she is singing, right in the middle of it so she can drink water. It’s crazy. Live audiences have watched her do this. It’s just terrible. She even did on the Christmas Special she did last X-mas on Stageit with Andy.
She has NOT had a hard life, she is just incredibly lazy when it comes to this industry.And she blames Ceelo and her management for all her failures. SHE is the ONLY cause for her failures & Andy and Kevin/Bryan need to spend their energy on someone who will actually go somewhere professionally IMO.
Juliet has two new tattoos. A skull on one of her fingers (not sure which one) and a rose on her hip. She also twittered a picture of her with an arrow on one of her fingers with a tweet saying ‘Point the Way’ but I’m not sure if it’s a tattoo or if she just drew it on there :D! I personally love all of Juliet’s tattoos and I don’t care that she has tattoos for Andy. I think it’s incredibly cute and they’re adults and can make their own decisions. And who knows? If they break up they may want to keep the tattoos as reminders of the good times or if they break up on good terms, Andy’s name could become her best friend’s name to her as they are currently best friends as well as being in a relationship I hope they never break up though! They’re so cute together :D <3
No they are not a perfect couple I think Andy should go with someone else
Why are you breathing?
Juju has two new tattoo a skull on her Left middle finger? and a rose on her hip! :)
Juliet has 2 new tattoos. A rose on her hip. a skull on her left? middle finger
Who cares if she has tattoos for Andy. It’s HER body, HER choice. Clearly she has 4 tattoos for him, and I’m certain he has 4 for her too. YES, they could break up, but I’d do it too, at least I’d remember all the good memories I had with the partner.
They believe they’re not going to break up, they’re best friends with one another, and they’re adults. They can make their own decisions. Get the fuck over it.
i like some of her tattoos but she shouldnt have got 4!!! for Andy because it might be ok now but what about if in a few months time they were to break up and she has his name tattooed all over her body. She would either have to have serious cover up or laser removal (which kills). I knew somebody who got their partners name tattooed on them and then 3 months later they broke up. And if they were to break up they would have constant reminders of each other.
i like their tattoos expressing their love but I’d never do it. If they break up they’re screwed. I love them both but NO. The only way I’d get my significant other’s name on my body is if they passed away while I was with them.
wonder what’ll happen to andy if they break up??
:(( itl b so sad, …
I think getting 3 or 4 tattoos for Andy is dumb, and ill-thought-out.
I love Andy and BVB to death, but they haven’t been together that long.
She’s already got his name tattooed on her arm?
My mother just LAST YEAR got my father’s name tattooed on her shoulder, and they’ve been together 22 years!
But, personally I think getting a significant other’s name tattooed on yourself is stupid in any situation.
Like Andy and his ‘The Mortician’s Daughter’ tattoo that he got for Scout Taylor Compton.
They broke up, and now he’s got a huge reminder of her on his shoulder until he dies.
I don’t think I would ever do it.
I hate to say it, but while many of her tattoos are pretty cool, they aren’t as original as she claims them to be…just saying, many people have very similar tatts.
You can see the treble clef tattoo at the Hush video, when she shows her legs.
Holy shit.. im getting the last one when im 18 *O*
Tattooing starts off as an experiment but somehow ends up as an addiction in almost all cases. You get one then u want another and another, till u end up looking like a freak and yr body is scarred for life. Julet and Kat Von Dee…beautiful skin gone to waste. They wud have looked far better with a few good ones scattered around but to ink yrself up so much is gross to the eyes seriously. And getting yr lovers name inked…DOWNRIGHT FOOLISH.
I don’t think they care that people disagree with their couple tattoos. I think it’s cute and if they break up then it still symbolizes a big part of their lives. The person and the memories don’t just disappear.
an equal sign tattoo usually means they support equal marriage for all. Gay marriage, lesbian marriage, straight marriage.
What if they happen to break up? It’s so dumb to get a tattoo of a boyfriend. You may be in love now but you may break up. I’m not saying I want them to because honestly I think they’re the cutest!! But still it could happen. I think they should’ve waited personally
I love all of them. The Willow one is a tattoo for her niece, Willow Simms.
yikes…don’t get text tattoos people, they are the worst. i feel bad that this girl has wasted so much space on bad tattoos…
not to be rude but she has so many tattoos for her boyfriend. hope they don’t break up..
The writing around her arm says, ‘When I hear your cries praying for life, I will be there’ It’s a quote from a BVB song called Saviour.
thank you so much!
@xtwistedprincessx He has his ex Gf’s initials tattooed on his arm but they’d been dating for years he even wrote a song for her.
I dont think they shouldve gotten those tattoos, Andy and Juliet i mean they havent been dating for that long i got when Andy did it for Scout but they dated for a really long time Andy and Juliet have only bee together for what 7 months?
I think its a big mistake for her especially to have gotten 3 tattoos for him.
Juliet’s Andy tattoo at the top of her arm is very much real. If you look a few pages back at her tumblr, there is another photo of her with it. I love both Andy and Juliet but I wish they hadn’t got tattoos of each othr. What if they break up? You don’t need tattoos to express love.
i never heard of her bfore she started dating Andy from BVB and i like her tattoos….
I wonder what she will do if she and andy would ever break up. Also I believe Andy has one of his ex’s names tattoed on his body as well.
So stupid..not a good idea to get a significant others tattoo..I would never do that if I was her or him.
I love her white rabbit tattoo!!
Most of her tatts are great but I’m not too crazy for the one’s she got with Andy…I mean, the brush strokes from Willow were with a bf as well, let alone his name. I’m not really digging the vertical writing either…just not my thing. xD
I don’t thing her and Andy should have gotten couple tattoos. Theyre famous who knows how long they will last. Some of her tattoos i think are gaudy but if thats what she likes then go for it.
I love her tattoos. I don’t know how wise it was to get tattoos of anything relating to a boyfriend, but hey, to each her own. I’m a huge Juliet fan, whether or not I think her boyfriend looks like a girl >.>…I just don’t think it’s EVER a good idea to get a significant other’s tattoo…even if you’re married. But I’ll never judge based on that. I love Juliet, and I love most of her tattoos. Matter of fact I’m going today for the Willow one :3 Love you juju!
holy shoot i had no idea she was dating Andy Six. I feel like such a moron right now.
Her New Tattoos are cool
Juliet’s Tattoos are epic <3
I Completely Love All Juliet’s Tattoos, I Think Their Very Original and Different, & I Love The Way How Her Tattoos Display Such a Strong Meaning. My Favorites R ” The Heart Pierced By A Dagger,” the “Panther,” the “‘Brush Strokes,'” the “I Carry the Fire,” the “I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints,” the “Cross,” her own lyrics “Someday,” and the “Snake.”
I Love You Automatic Loveletter
She has a new tattoo an her hand that says : White Rabbit
Her boyfriend Andy Biersack has the word: Dragonfly
She made a new tattoo, I think It should be on here ~
I love every tattoo except the traditional panther. Oh, well! My favorite is the “O Romeo, Romeo!” and the brush strokes – whatever the origin or what it actually means (Thanks, Luna).
The ‘brush stroke’ tattoo is actually the Mark from the movie Willow, on the baby Elora.
i love her tatto written vertically on her right thigh, the feather, the brush strokes and the one that is on her back.
juliet is a great singer and automatic loveletter is a fantastic band, i adore they!!
she has a new one on her back right shoulder blade i think. its a giant panther. she tweeted about it a few weeks ago
I like the Romeo one. It’s cute. But the full writing on her thigh is too much for me XD
I only like the ones on her back and the brush strokes on her right arm. I honestly think that she looked the prettiest in the last picture. She didn’t have the ink all over her body then.
I love her!! Automatic Loveletter is an awesome band!! but, i have to agree with Ashley and marronandteal, i don’t really like her tattoos that much.
No I agree with you Ashley, they seem generic and unoriginal. Except for the vertical type on her leg.
Am i the only one who doesn’t like her tattoos? Idk, they just seem a little tacky to me,but i guess if they have a meaning to her..
Does she have a new tattoo? I think on her upper right arm…but I may be wrong.
wow.. thank you for posting this.. :) do love Juliet.. as well as with her tattoo’s wow.. love her more with this.. <333