Cher Lloyd debuted a tattoo of a stick figure on her ankle at the Brit Awards in February 2012. (more…)
Although she is young, Cher Lloyd has already racked up an impressive amount of ink. "I just want to be covered," the pop singer has stated. She already had 3 tattoos when she first auditioned for X-Factor. At the time she was only 16, below the legal age for getting a tattoo in the UK. That didn't stop her from adding on more tattoos, many before her 18th birthday. "It just carried on from there. I got a bit addicted with it, and just kept going and going. But they all mean something to me, I don't just get them for the sake of it." Cher now has 21 tattoos and keeps adding more, all of which she loves. When asked about her favorite tattoo, Cher responded "I don't have a favorite tattoo. I like all of my tattoos." Despite criticism, Cher is quite set in her decision to be inked. "I don't think I'll regret any of them," she says. "I know people say 'what about when you're old and you're covered in tattoos?' -- so what. Anyway, in time to come everyone will have them and it will be all the trend, won't it? 'Cuz you don't know how the times are gonna change." She appreciates the expressive nature of tattoos. "I think tattoos, it's like artwork," she says. "It expresses a lot, and that's why I have them." Cher's tattoos tell her story and she says that when she's older "Then it's going to be like a piece of artwork that people can look at and see all the crazy things I did in my life."
Cher Lloyd has at least 20 known tattoos:
Cher Lloyd debuted a tattoo of a stick figure on her ankle at the Brit Awards in February 2012. (more…)
Cher Lloyd has a butterfly partial sleeve tattoo on the inside of her right arm. It incorporates three previous tattoos: a bird, a peace sign, and a question mark. (more…)
Cher Lloyd has a tiny heart on her left arm with a letter “C” for her husband Craig Monk. (more…)
Cher Lloyd got this crying eye tattoo on her left arm to represent all of the sadness and struggles that she has faced in her life. Swirls fill the space between this and the birdcage above it. (more…)
Cher Lloyd got a pair of tattoos in memory of her uncle Edward ‘Boo Boo’ Smith, who died of an accidental overdose when he was only 34 years old. Boo Boo passed away in September 201o while Cher was competing on The X Factor, and she got the tattoos in March 2011 which would have been his birthday. “I got a tattoo in memory of my uncle which is a bird flying out of a cage,” she says. On her right forearm is a bird carrying a ribbon with the word ‘Boo’, and in the same location on her left arm is a birdcage with an open door. She shared a picture of the ink of her twitter with the caption “Happy birthday uncle boo, missing you. New tattoo. Xxxx”
Only two months later, she got a huge butterfly tattoo on her forearm which surrounds the bird but does not cover it.
Cher Lloyd got the question mark tattoo on her wrist in January 2011 and the peace sign shortly after in March 2011. She filled in her arm with a butterfly partial-sleeve in May 2011. She also added her husband Craig’s name in May 2012, after these photos was taken.
One of Cher Lloyd’s oldest tattoos is the one on her lower back. “I’ve got a big ribbon, like a bow,” she says. This tattoo is not shown very often, but it can be seen in her “Swagger Jagger” music video. (more…)
Cher Lloyd has the lyrics “You are my sunshine, My only sunshine” tattooed on her left forearm. We believe that this tattoo is for her husband (boyfriend at the time) Craig Monk, to whom she tweeted these lyrics a few months later. Along with the lyrics, she also got a little heart right above it with a letter “C” for Craig.
Cher Lloyd’s very first tattoo was a treble clef surrounded by tiny music notes. She got the tattoo on the back of her right hand on her 16th birthday. The placement of this tattoo is similar to her X-Factor mentor Cheryl Cole‘s tribal hand tattoo.
Cher Lloyd got this rose and Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) sugar skull tattoo on her left arm in July 2011. The design is very complex. The face of the skull is covered in swirls and flowers with a diamond on the forehead. The nose is shaped like an upside-down heart while the round eyes have red hearts in the center. A single gold tooth adds another pop of color. (more…)
On the inside of Cher Lloyd’s right index finger is “SHH…” This tattoo idea was made famous by Rihanna and has also been copied by Lindsay Lohan and Lily Allen. The premise is that the tattoo will be revealed when you hold your finger to your lips to shush someone, though in Cher’s case it is mostly seen when she holds a microphone. (more…)
In March 2011, Cher got a second red heart tattoo – this time on her ring finger on her left hand. This is the finger on which a wedding ring is worn. Perhaps this tattoo represents her love for her future husband? We can only speculate as Cher has not spoken about this tattoo. However she has since gotten married and the tattoo is partially covered by her engament ring and wedding band. (more…)
Cher Lloyd tattooed a diamond on her right hand between her thumb and index finger in January 2011. This tattoo is said to represent her success on the X-Factor.
Cher Lloyd loves her dad — she had “Daddy” inked on the side of her left hand in March 2011. Next to the ‘D’ is a little red heart. (more…)
In May 2012, Cher Lloyd added two tattoos on her left wrist. On the inside of her wrist is “Craig” — the first name of her husband Craig Monk — with a red heart. Cher and Craig became engaged in January 2012 and were married in November 2013.
Cher Lloyd and her husband Craig Monk got matching tattoos in May 2012, at the same that Cher got his name tatted on her wrist. The couple both have the suits of a deck of cards — hearts, spades, diamonds, and clubs — on the backs of their right wrists. Craig also has a tattoo of Cher’s name on his forearm.
Cher told us that she didn’t want to get tattoos on the outsides of her arms because she thought that it was more feminine to do just the inside, but I guess she made an exception for the wrist!
Cher Lloyd has a little outline of a bow on her knuckle on her right ring finger which she got in March 2011. (more…)
Cher Lloyd has an empty birdcage on her left arm and a bird on her right arm in memory of her uncle Edward ‘Boo Boo’ Smith. She got the pair of tattoos in March 2011 a few months after his death. (more…)
Cher Lloyd has the Tracy Chapman song title ‘All that you have is your soul’ tattooed on her arm as a tribute to her mother. “That’s for my mom,” Cher says, “it’s her favorite song in the world.”
She announced her plans for this tattoo shortly after leaving the X-Factor: “The first thing I’m going to do is get a new tattoo. I’m going to get a lyric from my mum’s favourite song tattooed on my wrist. It’s going to say, ‘All that you have is your soul’.” She ended up getting these words tattooed along the side of her arm instead, probably due to the length of the quote. (more…)
The first tattoo that Cher Lloyd got on her right arm says ‘Bosillo lleno de sueños,’ which is Spanish for ‘pocketful of dreams.’ This phrase comes from Alicia Keys’ song “Empire State Of Mind (Part II).” Her ex-boyfriend told the press “She doesn’t speak Spanish, she just thought it looked pretty and loved that song.”
“Empire State Of Mind” was one of the songs that Cher performed while she was on X-Factor, though she had the tattoo before the show. On X-Factor she talked about why she relates to the song. “The lyrics basically explain how if someone wants something so bad, you have to get to the right places get it. And it’s basically the story of me being here [on X-Factor] today.”
Very pretty tattoos. I would like to know if they hurt when she got them?
You all just tripping she is my idol and everything she does I love and nothing will ever change the fact that she the best thing that has ever happened and I only listens to her nobody else but her
You don’t know how much I love Cher But I will never get her :(
Don’t yearn for her anymore. U know u can never get her. Then why do u want her?? Let her go…
I`m going to get a treble clef surrounded by tiny music notes on my left hand.
The benefits are compared with the data gathered in order
for the tabletop survey in 2006.
They look awful
I agree with you.
Some looks fine, but putting them together just…
They don’t. It’s her opinion. She likes them. U don’t like them, then don’t like them. Nobody really gives a F…
Nothing produces quality tomatoes faster than a hanging tomato
planter. Hanging scrolls are a unique form of displaying art that can easily be transported and stored.
If it looks denied its full potential splendour – so will the room.
I love all of her tattoos and she is my idol but it looks tacky in a way.
I think all of Cher Lloyds tats are just as beautiful as she is. And people who have a problem with them can suck it because they dont understand true art and beauty
yes we do maybe we just don’t like her that much
Oh dear oh dear. Looks so cheap on a lady. I wish girls would keep their beautoful skin clear. :-\
That’s just sexist.
Oh dear oh dear this is modern age so chill the f out
Well, I don’t particularly like beards on guys, but given your username I’d say you’re sporting one. Maybe you should keep your face clear for the ladies who like that look?
JK, I’m not an assh*le. It’s your body = your choice. That goes both ways, mind.
woooow….she can’t ever break up with Craig!
Ikr!She has a lot of heart symbols 4 him!Its so sweet
she is a gypsy they can never divorce
Whoh! Cool tattoos,Cher!
[…] Ze heeft heel veel Tattoos. Hier kan je er meer over […]
Cher is like soooo AWESOME shes better then my other fav singer Katy Perry
i love Cher! she is so pretty and fun! i think her tattoos are fine she actually looks good with them. i like how all of them have a meaning to it. love ya cher!
I love her more. She is my girlfriend
oh it’s on b***h!
i adore her and her tattoos ima get the daddy tattoo because as they said she has a great feeling for her father and i also have a great feeling for my father
I love her so much oh my god!
THE BODY ITS FROM CHER, TRUE BRATS WILL NEVER LET PF LOVIN HER JUST BC OF THE TATTOOS. Like cmon, harry styles have over 30 tattoos and everybody call him cupcake.
Good for her
I LOVE CHER LLOYD SHE IS MY FAVORITE. I LOVE HER TATTOOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, don’t she make just one cute little ink pad to have around. Someone get me a pen.
I Love Cher Lloyd Alot She Is My Favorite. I Love her Tattoos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love her even her tattoos
cher lloyd you are awesome, but please don’t get more tattoos. it looks really tacky.
she can have any tattoo she wants
No it doesn’t. She looks very pretty even with her tattoos and she should get more of them.
I have such long curly hair and sing good all I need is spirit and to believe in myself…cher Lloyd doesn’t do tattoos for anything ….there for love and memories….don’t let anyone take your spirit your you in ur own way cher Lloyd! :-)
Yes don’t let no one take that away from u
OMG??? i am a big fan Cher Lloyd?
People shes not gonna read what ur saying…..
Lol… Anonymous, bro that was funny… Im still crackin up…
I love her and I am going to get them
i love everything
I love her tattoos and her!
I love it!!
really cool..
i love cher lloyd 4ever..
i love her tattoos also ..
I love cher she is so cute and she rocks
I think she is beautiful and all her tattoos are great!
Cher Lloyd is a beautiful person. If she wants to get tattoos, that is her own decision. No one should judge her for that. I personally think that her tattoos are great and mark her as special. I love you, Cher Lloyd!!!
I love her but not the tattoos,but that want stop me from thinking she is a great singer!!!!
Ya colcat is right she is awesome and nobidy can judge her for that…. Sometimes my friend and I tattoo some of hers with a marker! My fave is the shh… I do that one with a black marker! Cher Lloyd is the best singer and rapper ever! I am totally a brat!
cher lloyd your so beautiful i love all your songs and im your biggest fan ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe she can be her own person if she decides too be whatever they say I luv cher Lloyd ~#1 fan~:)
I agree on all that
i agree with coolllll cat ilove her more than yall she is insiration i hope u read this cher lloyd iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i agree with arin my ispiration!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ILOVEUCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHEEEEERRRRRRRR;)
she is so pretty i wish i was her
I were her* corrected
‘Scuse you, wow your really pathetic. this is isn’t grammar class is it? you don’t need to correct anyone.
She has something on her wrist next to the ‘Daddy’ one. I’m not sure what it is but it looks like a butterfly or something.
its just from the butterflies on her wrist and arm (the 6th one down from the top) it just curls around her wrist, you can see it in the picture
It’s good to see more tattoos in the media, however showing Cher’s tattoos is not necessarily a good thing. All the kids who want to copy her need to read a few decent tattoo mags like Skin Deep and then you’ll see just how poor the quality of the work is. I’d like to know who her tattooist/s is/are so I can avoid them!! The birdcage in particular is a terrible tattoo, not in concept but execution; it’s wonky & the linework is shocking! For proper tattoo artwork Google Remis Tattoo, True Colour Tattoos York or even watch the ‘Ink shows on TV – Corey Miller & Hannah Aitchison for example are amazing artists. You’ll pay more for quality but its definitely worth it as a tattoo is for life.
the reason some of her tattoos may be of poor quality is becuz she got quite a few of them when she was under the legal age for tattoos in the Uk which is 18. therefore she said she got some of her tattoos done in a house. who knows if that person was a professional or had the right equipment.
So not only tattooed under the legal age but also in an illegal & hygienic setting of someone’s kitchen. No telling if any of the equipment was sterile & explains why they’re so bad – a kitchen scratcher isn’t a tattoo artist. She should be more responsible in the example she sets to her fans & use her status to educate people about the importance of going to a proper tattoo studio. Kitchen scratchers give the whole industry a bad reputation & it undermines the years of (often unpaid) hard work real tattooists have to put in to achieve their abilities. I’m not saying she shouldn’t be tattooed because I am; but for crying out loud, go to a proper studio & get quality work done.
there fucking ugly…………………………………………………………………………. just kidding you know its her choice but 21 dang but i guess some have a meaning :)
if u dont like them dont loock at them ilike her crying eye
You spelt look rong
I’m cheers no 1 fan and idolise her !
U shouldn’t correct a grammar error with another grammar error.
i love all her tatoos…
Eh. So young and so many, but who am I to judge. The good side is that all of them are (mostly) in black & grey so even though the subject matter differs, they look like a single continuous theme overall. The bad side is most of her tattoos look poorly designed, planned and poorly done. From my POV as an artist, I don’t really mind about the deep personal meanings if a piece is not well executed, then again to each their own! Go get a throat piece, Cher!
I love her!!!! Not the tattoos.
i LOOOVE every single one of her tattoos!!!
whoops sorry heres the interview im pretty sure her saying her favourite tattoo is include in this interview but i was here june 19th
when i met cher lloyd (i know!!!!) i also sat in on the interview and they opened up the interview to questions from the fans, she was asked her favourite tattoo and she said it was the crying eye. she said she cried a lot when she was younger and it reminds her that she doesnt need to cry anymore, because she did enough crying in the past. i love her <3 she was looking righ at me as she said this because i talked to her a little before that and told her a little about myself and my struggles. i lover so much, shes incredible <3
OMG! your so lucky!
I like her tattoo on her hand, I want one simlar – not just to copy but because it has musical notes and that would have meaning to me, :) + for anyone doubting weather cher’s tattoos have meaning to her, just because they seem small and insignificant to you doesn’t mean they don’t mean a lot to Cher, its her body and if she wants tattoos than that’s up to her and people shouldn’t criticise her for it. If they dont like it they shouldn’t look.
I love Cher’s tattoos because they’re UNIQUE. They are what makes her, her. I honestly couldn’t imagine Cher any other way. She definitely stands out, which is exactly her aim. :)
People who say they are going to get her tattoos really shouldnt they mean something to her and not for anyone that just wants to copy seriously get your own life. Cher is original not a copy and she wants to stay that way.
^ agreed with Delia! Although I do love cher! Kids just get tattoos nowadays like it’s nothing. You should take some time in putting a personal “love” into a tattoo if you get one…
“I’m totally going to get some of these”… lol, that seriously sounds so stupid. Getting a tattoo is a serius thing that you have to live with for the rest of you life. If you’re going to get something – make it personal and important to YOU. So you can look back on it and hopefully not regret it. “Copying” tattoos from a celebrity you think is “cool” sounds a bit pathetic to me.
i know right….
i like the little heart on her ring finger :)
I have 17 tattoos,so I am definetely a tattoo lover,but most of hers are tiny little ones that honestly,look like she got them just to have them. They look poorly done. There is nothing really original about them. It just irks me when I see really crappy (in my opinion) tattoos.
And Maddy: you sound like a complete poser.
I love Cher so much! and I love all of her tattoos! I really wanna get a bow on my finger like hers, or something similar. <3
Me too
i luv all her tatoos and im getting one on my ankel on my wrist on my back shoulder one on mycheats one one my back and one on my arm!!!! yea and if u see (crusher) in my name, thats my nick name cuz i crush people if they do anything bad to me, my friends, or my family!!!!!!!!!! so that would be a life leson!!! and all my tatoos will be of diffrent typs of skulls and dragons and one is going to be of a knife with blood!!! :)
i am eveil and mean and NOT nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so beware!!!!!!!!
Ok u didnt haave to sat alll tht:-P
right, okay. well good luck on your tatts!
isnt the treble clef on her hand the first tattoo she had?? it was there before she auditioned for x factor, so it wanst exactly inspired by cheryl cole…
All of Cher’s tattoos Are amazing and they all mean something to her and I love Cher Lloyd a lot she is the best singer ever and I love her outfits and the way she sings and her personality she’s amazing
I love all her tattoos! are amazing.
Her Logic about tattoo’s being the trend when you get older is really messed…There not the trend now and the they have never been the trend for older people….I dont really like any of them except the one that says Daddy..Gaga has one that says Dad and a Heart so sweet!!!
good for you that you don’t like them. she likes them so what are you gonna do? seriously i hate when people do this kind of stuff. honestly, if i don’t like somebody’s tattoo’s i don’t post it on the internet. you are just kind of trying to make her change or something! STOP SHOWING HATE TO CHER LLOYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love cher and 1D! and if you don’t i don’t need yo hear it!
im totally getting some of these!
She’s gorgeous ^^
facepalm..shes just inking away isnt she
Just so you know, she’s got a new one ;)
I love cher she is soooo pretty. i love the tattoo which says all you have is ur soul and also the one about her uncle so sorry:(
I love all herr tattooss , i thinkk theyre all really well done pluss shes so prettyy! I thinkk itt justt goess withh herr :D
I love her she is so perfect
I love her tattoo’s, and if Cher wouldn’t mind, I’m gonna get that diamond she has on her hand, on my throat. I too am going to have a tattoo which is a sign to my grampa, who died last summer, but that’s a butterflie!:D
I love the one that says Daddy in cursive cause it reminds me if my dad
another 0f THE devil’s bitch.., may thy LORD f0rgivth her soul..