Rihanna’s latest tattoo is a camouflage print shark on her left ankle. The tattoo was done by artist Bang Bang at his New York City studio on September 2016.
Rihanna has over 20 tattoos. She has admitted that tattoos for her are like an addiction. “I like hanging out in tattoo shops” Rihanna has said. “I am so intrigued by tattoos. It’s an entire culture, and I study it. Sometimes I go with friends, or just by myself. I get bum-rushed, but I don’t care. I don’t take security.” Rihanna is believed to of had her first tattoo done in 2006, two music notes on her foot. The most known tattoo artist that has created her tattoos is Bang Bang. Bang Bang has apparently done around 13 of her various tattoos. He told a magazine “She [Rihanna] always flips out [when it's done] and jumps up and down like a 16-year-old girl getting her first car.”
Rihanna has at least 25 known tattoos:
Rihanna’s latest tattoo is a camouflage print shark on her left ankle. The tattoo was done by artist Bang Bang at his New York City studio on September 2016.
Rihanna added new ink to her collection in August 2015. This time she gets the year 1988 tattooed on her right ankle at the Bang Bang Tattoo Parlor in NYC. Rihanna was born on February 20, 1988. (more…)
In January 2014, artist Bang Bang gave Rihanna this tattoo of a cross on the inside of her right wrist. The intricate cross design is made from negative space and is surrounded by black ink. Rihanna also expanded the henna designs — which has previously only been on the back of her arm — all the way up to edges of the cross, making it one cohesive piece. (more…)
Rihanna added the final piece to her hand tattoo in October 2013, incorporating both the Maori tribal design near her thumb and the chevron lines. It is an abstract design inspired by Indian henna art. Artists Bang Bang and Cally-Jo worked together on both the design and the implementation of this tattoo. The duo got out their needles and worked on different sections at the same time. “@callyjoart and I spent hours and hours drawing on different designs, we finally found one that worked! So proud we made it pretty,” Bang Bang wrote. (more…)
Rihanna expanded her hand tattoo in two sessions in October 2013. First she added these chevrons and lines all over her fingers, hand, and wrist. These lines are still visible through the finished tattoo. (more…)
In September 2012, Rihanna got a new, very large tattoo as a tribute to her late grandmother. Alongside the picture of her new ink, she tweeted:
“Goddess Isis – Complete Woman – Model for future generations – #GRANGRANDOLLY – always in and on my heart.”
The tattoo is of the Egyptian goddess Isis, who was depicted as the ideal mother and wife.
In June 2012, Rihanna covered up her music notes tattoo and replaced it with a large Egyptian falcon. She shared a picture of the ink on twitter with the caption “Falcon: a light that shines in the darkness! Never close their eyes during sleep.” Bang Bang – who inked this tattoo – told US Weekly “It’s the first tattoo she wanted as a teen….She wanted it across her back back then.”
It appears as if the bird has been tattooed in a way to look like a handgun, although Rihanna could have gotten the inspiration for the tattoo from a 2,300-year-old faience falcon. The falcon is on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, where the tattoo artist does most of his work.
Rihanna told Oprah the meaning of her tattoo: “Back in the day, they would carve into the walls and they would carve a falcon, because they didn’t have another way of saying a king in the sky.” (more…)
In March 2012, Rihanna got a small and simple cross tattooed on her left collarbone. Artist Bang Bang cut the ink with water to make the tattoo light, the same technique that he used for the “Rebelle Fleur” tattoo on her neck. Rihanna chose this placement on her neck so that she can easily hide it with a necklace when she wants to, but she can also show it off. (more…)
Rihanna got a tattoo saying “lover” in Tibetan on her left hip, just above her butt in March 2012. (more…)
In January 2012, Rihanna got “Thug Life” tattooed across her knuckles as a tribute to legendary rapper Tupac Shakur. The tattoo was done by artist Mark Mahoney with semi-permanent white ink. Rihanna showed off the new tattoo in a picture on her Twitter. It can be seen faintly in a few photos from the following weeks, but after that it disappeared completely.
In January 2012, Rihanna showed off her new tattoo in a photoshoot with Terry Richardson – a bust of the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti. The meaning to Rihanna is unknown, but the tattoo is private and hardly ever seen due to it’s placement. Queen Nefertiti was an icon of beauty and had many titles including Hereditary Princess; Great of Praises; Lady of Grace and Sweet of Love. (more…)
In August 2010, Rihanna got a tattoo of the text “rebelle fleur” written in script on the left side of her neck. The tattoo translates to “rebel flower”. Many people claimed since the adjective usually comes before the noun in French, the phrase should say “fleur rebelle.” However Rihanna stands by the tattoo and swears it’s not a mistake. In a text message to the artist Bang Bang, she said:
“Rebelle Fleur translates to rebel flower, NOT rebelious flower, its 2 nouns so in that case fleur does not HAVE to be first! Fyi, cuz they will ask”.
Rihanna has an Arabic tattoo on the left side of her ribcage which says “Al Hurria fi Al Maseeh.” It translates to “Freedom in God.” (more…)
In December 2009, Rihanna got her personal motto “Never a failure, Always a lesson” tattooed along the right side of her chest. It’s written backwards so she can read it in the mirror. Artist Bang Bang said:
“I asked her why she wanted that and she said, ‘It’s kind of my motto in life for everything.’ Instead of considering things to be mistakes, considering them lessons…. She said that she wanted to do it in gray, rather than black, because she wanted it to be more subtle…. She didn’t want it to draw too much attention.”
Rihanna got a small handgun tattooed below her right armpit in March 2009. She flew her favorite artist Bang Bang out to Los Angeles to give a tattoo to her friend as a birthday gift and decided to get one for herself at the same time. She was considering a few different designs but it was actually Bang Bang’s suggestion to get a gun. He showed her a picture of a handgun that he thought would look good and she loved it. He’s not sure why the image resonated with her, but told Life & Style “if I had to say why she got it, it’s because she kicks ass and everybody supports her!”
Rihanna had wanted a pair of guns above both of her armpits, but Bang Bang convinced her to put one gun on her rib cage instead. He was concerned that having weapons inked in such a prominent place would detract from her face and could jeopardize her endorsement deal with CoverGirl cosmetics. The deal with CoverGirl was already strained by concerns that Rihanna’s recent reunion with her abuser Chris Brown made her a bad role model. A few day before the tattoo session, TMZ revealed that competitor Revlon was conducting surveys to see if consumers felt that she was an appropriate spokesperson.
Regardless of the reasoning, Rihanna is thankful that she changed her mind about where to put the tattoo. She always listens to Bang Bang’s advice because she trusts that he knows what’s best. In the intro to his book, she wrote:
“The thing I value most about Bang Bang is his honesty. He will never tattoo a bad idea—like EVER. That is the best thing about him—he has shut down so many of my crazy ideas. Or he’ll correct them, tweak them, and turn them into something great. Like my gun tattoo—I was sure I wanted two of them on my collarbones, but he talked me out of it and I’m so glad. Bang is invested in his art—it’s not about the money. That’s really rare and very special.”
Rihanna’s hand tattoo is a henna-style tribal dragon claw, which she got on her right hand while in New Zealand on her November 2008 tour. It matches her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown’s tattoo on the same hand. The design is of a geometric dragon claw with small hibiscus that go up to her wrist. Her tattoo was done in the traditional style of the Maori people in New Zealand. This method of tattooing makes the skin appear raised and rough, rather than smooth. She said to reporters:
“It’s tribal. It represents strength and love….It’s their traditional way of tattooing. I always wanted [one]. It hurt like hell!
One of Rihanna’s most visible and famous tattoos was inked in 2008. It was started by a tattoo artist in L.A, then finished in New York by her favorite tattoo artist Bang Bang. The stars match former boyfriend Chris Brown’s trio of stars behind his ear. (more…)
In June 2008, Rihanna got the date “11-4-86” in Roman numerals (XI-IV-LXXXVI) inked on her left shoulder. It’s her best friend and assistant Melissa’s birth date, and Melissa got the same tattoo with Rihanna’s birth date as well.
In June 2008, Rihanna got another finger tattoo. This one is the most copied of her tattoos. It was copied by Lindsay Lohan and Lily Allen, who were unaware at the time that she had it, Cher Lloyd, and many of Rihanna’s fans has also decided to get one exactly like Rihanna’s. The premise is that the tattoo will be revealed when you hold your finger to your lips to shush someone.
Artist Bang Bang shared a picture of the tattoo in 2015 and wrote:
The “Shhh” tattoo is many years old- done in one shot, no touch up needed. If you’re thinking of getting you’re finger tattooed and have heard they “fade” or “fall out” I’ll say, Yes, they can fade during the healing process- though if done properly, they can be great, and last a lifetime?
Not a lot is known about this tattoo, or when she got it. The tattoo is of “Love” written in a simple cursive font on her right middle finger. The tattoo is placed so it doesn’t get shown unless she sticks up her middle finger or holds a microphone. She got it in Los Angeles from one of the artists she used before. (more…)
Rihanna added a tattoo of a skull during her stay in Miami in 2008. It’s her only tattoo with colored ink and also her seventh tattoo. A skull and crossbones usually means danger, but it is neutralized by the pink hair bow the skull is wearing.
In 2007, Rihanna got a Sanskrit prayer going down her right hip. The tattoo was supposed to translate to “forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control”, a quote from the Sanatana Dharma. Unfortunately, the tattoo was misspelled and translated to “long suffering, truthfulness, self-restraint, inward calm, fear and fearlessness” instead. In addition to the incorrect translation, the text of her tattoo is also missing the rest of the original prayer, which reads “pleasure, pain, birth, death.”
This was the first time tattoo that she got from Bang Bang, who has since become her go-to artist. He credits Rihanna with introducing him to a slew of celebrity clients and launching his career to the next level. But before she was the jewel of his portfolio, she was just a girl who walked into his shop off the street and asked a lot of questions about piercings and tattoos. He didn’t recognize who she was and didn’t treat her any differently, and she loved that he was honest with her. In fact he was so brutally honest that he told her it was a bad idea to get the Sanskit text on the back of her leg where she wanted it.
“I remember thinking, this guy is gangsta as fuck. He doesn’t give a fuck about me—he doesn’t know who I am and that is brilliant. So that’s why I wanted him to do my tattoo. I knew he wasn’t going to try any funny shit or act crazy; he was just going to do my tattoo.”
“I was surprised when he wouldn’t put my first tattoo where I wanted it to go—up the back of my leg—but I was so shocked that I was actually open to his idea of moving it, and I’m glad I did. I was still early on in my tattoo game, so I trusted him as an expert more than I trusted myself because I didn’t know. When you’re well known, it can be hard knowing who to trust, but I trusted Bang Bang from the first time he tattooed me.”
In August 2006, Rihanna got a tattoo of a star outline inside of her left ear. According to reports Rihanna said:
“My best friend from Barbados was here so we had to do something crazy. She got one too.”
Rihanna’s very first tattoo was a Pisces sign behind her right ear which she has had since early 2006. The tattoo was done by a famous Brazilian artist who makes his clients book three years in advance, but luckily Rihanna was in Tokyo at the same time as him and got it done.
“When I first got a tattoo I was seventeen years old and I was in Japan. They needed consent from a guardian, so I called my mom and she was surprisingly into it. That one was just behind my ear.”
Rihanna’s second tattoo was two music notes on the inside of her right foot. The notes are a treble clef and sixteenth note. It is believed top be inspired by her music career, as she was just starting out in the music industry at the time.
She got the tattoo in Australia while she was in the country to perform at the Universal Music showcase on May 31, 2006. She kept it for many years, but eventually had it covered with a large falcon in June 2012.
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Grateful for the tips, thanks for writing this!
Great post, thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Very good post, thank you. I am surprised to find your website
Divinely curated tattoos. Subtle yet archaic and always signifies power. She is the Cleopatra forever and ever.
So love you tattoos
Am inspired to finally get my fingers done
At 65 it’s taken me a wee while
Thanks hen ur truly are a STAR
i love her so much

All Rihanna’s tattoos are
reasonable and meaningful. I love you Rihanna. Keep elevating Sis………
Am get a tattoo thigh in my back & arms booty
Great post! Have nice day ! :) xirmz
One of the sexiest singer in the world
i adore you riri ma adoreble one whatever rumos dey can still your biggest fun n worldwide lve your life thug your soongs actually ol ov you. u killing me sooftly
lol ‘maseeh’ means jesus not God.
Riri am frm SA i lov u soooo
mch,yo songs, yo voice n yo tatoos damn’ killing mi. Ur ma mother
I love Rihanna shes my passion in life and she inspires me to make music. God bless her!
I love your hair when its red
I listen to everything you said
I still dream of you in bed
I’d rather think of you instead
I’ve never been more ready
For you and me to go steady
Eventually putting a ring where it belongs
And I would never do you wrong
I’ve even written you a few songs
Someday I will dance with you on stage
I guarantee that the crowd will rage
Without you I feel stuck in a cage
But with you I never want to turn the page
So dont think I ever forgot about you
That would be impossible for me to do
You’re all I need like the blood I bleed
You da one I want to bear my seed
I dont want you’re money no greed
So listen to me and take heed
(Fish + Fish)÷(022080+022080)= u & me
It =1(you and me)we don’t do any 50/50 or 20/30. We go 100 all the way for eachother. Your the brains and I’m the beast. ??????
Rihanna i love yuh
To me yuh are a sweet inspiration
everyone does :)
Bruh, I’m french I guarantee you that “rebelle fleur” doesn’t mean anything, and apparently it’s not the only tattoo with translation error.
Rebelle: Old French for rebellious, (feminine. )
Fleur: Flower.
The play on words: Belle: beautiful. (feminine.)
Which part is hard to understand?
Lol i seriously question your “im french” claim..i asked my friend who is french and even google translate. Rebelle Fleur is rebel flower.
riri.. if theres anyone wu can say he or she really love u dan i do den i guess its anoda rihanna..coz i so much love everyfin abt u, ya swagz re alwaz killin me, ya tattos n even ya songz re damn motivavin me,infact u re a role model to me..so mush luv riri
riri i rly luv yah bt ths tatoos of yours r wryng.azn in shrt your kinda lcky to hv a lyf livd with lts of luxuryz. you dnt knw wht whts awaiting you it sucks lady tatoos are demonic knw tht you wll pay with your own dear life better get it ew!?!*
Tattoos are not demonic, what is wrong with you?
Somehow it is demonic
Riri yu the best, love those tattoos yu always nail it.not a failure but a lesson #RF
I went for a one of a kind reward and identified this painting that lighting inside the dim. Its somekind of doual-view portray. I can look at it during the day, yet anytime is dim inside of the house, the painting is nevertheless recognizable. Is this some kind of alien technology/ or is spec ifically some distinctive wall art? However, i made the decision towards obtain it as a reward, but in direction of get some for myself too :). I consider that within matter of items, this would be the largest. Do your self sense the very same?
I love u so much rihanna….I m ur biggest fan
Which idiot thinks the unknown language to be bengali..I am a girl from bengal and I know bengali very well..what ever I love u rihanna I love u so much.. wish u were my girlfriend…..u r so beautiful nd sexy l.i love u so much
is der any1 in world hu loves rihanna mo dan i do?….well i doubt dat!….gal u motivate me,some of ur motto give me lessons..”never a mistake alwayz a lesson”..we common in someway,i love d way u live ur life….ur style OMG..u Amazing..hv thousands of ur pics #deeply in love!
I do.
All tattoo say the same thing “shallow”.
you seem close-minded
Lol how
Ri’s hand tattoo is so “scary”
i like tattoos,on other peoples body not on my own
Fuck this idiot. She appropriated Maori culture with her hand moko, and then promptly disrespected by covering it with a henna tattoo, which is typically a dye that is temporary.
What a buffoon.
Well im only 19 an i have as many tattoos as riri has…so dnt judge
One more thing, someone asked about the “Thug Life” tattoo that Rihanna got across her fingers beneath her knuckles some time ago that’s not on this list. That tattoo was done in “White Ink”, so you can barely see it. Not to mention, it could have very well been temporary which I’m not too sure about because if so, why get it done in white ink?! You would think that you would make it as visible as possible if in fact it’s only temporary anyway! There are also ” Glow in the Dark” tattoos that you can only see when “lights out” or some others under “black light”. So, who knows!
Also, I used to “rep” “Chrianna”… Chris Brown & Rihanna. I still do, but separately now! It’s unfortunate, but I think that’s the best way to look at it for obvious reasons. Anyway, I still think it’s sweet that they have several matching tattoos. A moment in time that will last forever, unfortunately longer than they did. Goes to show you… “Think before you Ink”! But, it’s not like they got eachother’s names or faces tatted, unlike some people do. Even so, I still don’t think either of them regret it… at least not the tattoos!! ;)
I’ve always liked Rihanna’s tattoos and how she can have so many of them while still being discrete, as well. That is, except for the Isis one and the “Tribal Henna” addition to her right hand. The Isis one not so much though. It can obviously easily be covered up if She wants, plus I still really like it and it’s meaning, much like many of her other tattoos. As far as the one on her right hand, I loved the “henna-style tribal dragon claw” tattoo that she originally got in 2008. I think that it was my favorite one. But, when she added more to it in 2013 completely covering her entire right hand & wrist, I was shocked! I think the henna tattoos like that one from which this was inspired look really good, but only temporarily. I was also concerned about too many tattoos especially ones like this not being good for her career. Rihanna isn’t just a Musician where tattoos are accepted and honestly, pretty much expected, especially if you’re a self-proclaimed “Badgal & RockStar”. But, Rihanna’s career expands and crosses over to so much more than that, which actually pretty much sums up my point (and rant). LoL! Still, Nothing has stopped Rihanna!! Tattoos or not, She just keeps growing and getting more & more successful! Generally speaking, people accept her for her and want her just the way She is, as do I!! And that hand tattoo addition is growing on me, but after all of this, it’s really not for me or anyone else to decide. Love the Skin you’re in… And Think before you Ink!!
Tats are strictly for trash.
And baseless, broad – sweeping insults are for narrow minded idiots.
Everything I read is whether Rihanna’s tattoos are good or bad. Has anyone really looked at the pictures? There are changes in the tattoos. Granted they are very similar, but there are definite differences. And not the type of differences made by adding more tattooing. There are places that are tattooed in one photo and not tattooed in a later photo. Or, tattooed in a different manner. Something is not right here. Are we all so smitten by celebs that we trust everything we see and hear? WTF, people. I’m guessing much of the tattooed hand is false. Henna. Or, any of dozens of techniques to mark our skin.
Have you heard of “time”? It’s what makes things happen in sequence and not all jumbled up together. HTH.
Arabic tattoo says” freedom in Christ” Jesus Christ in Arabic Yasooa Al Massieh .. Christ is al Massieh .. Hence Christianity in Arabic is Massiehiya .. that should put all other bad translations to bed
The anti-christ is also called Massieh Dajjal in arabic …
wonder which Massieh Rihanna is referring to -Christ or Antichrist
al massih = jeses and hi is not the god
there is only one GOD and it’s ALLAH !!
al massih = jeses and hi is not the god
there is only one GOD and it’s ALLAH
@amine: absolutely rite :)
There is no God wtf
Stfu with that shit. Muslims are aweful
You are awful and a bigot.
the voice of rihanna is so beautiful .i jus love her voice and her songs .And Rihanna having 19 tattoos on her body which looks awesome on her curvy shape body ..Love your Tattoos rihanna .
where’s THUG LIFE tattoo??????????????????????????????????????
That’s not a tattoo, was drawed.
That’s not Isis, that’s Ma’at. A different goddess. FAIL!
Actually if you know your goddesses then uou should know both Isis, ma’at and nut can be depicted with wings. They are differentiated by the symbols nearby. Isis will have a throne, ma’at a feather and nut a bench, semicircle and a pot. Rihannas tattoo has a throne on the head of the goddess, which means it is actually Isis.
OWNED!! Hi 5
Rihanna posted the photo of her tattoo on Instagram saying “Goddess Isis”. In addition, the Goddess are distinguished by their symbols, nnd the tattoo Rihanna has a throne, representative symbol of the goddess Isis.
wow rihanna baibe i love your tatoos so much as i love you. they make you look the most exclusive woman among the others i wish you were mine and only mine
Hi,,Riri kip it up gal,,with ur tattos,,go on gal
Last tattoo is in dzonkha language
Mxaaaaa!!I lovve Rihanna and all her tattoos…m a big Fan .wish to meet her someday
Love all of RiRi tattoos. So well done.
I love Rihanna and I love her tattoos. Not a fan of all of them, but all of them ARE well done.! The ones that stand out the most to me are the Nefertiti and Isis ones. Those are beautiful!
The problem is that it’s not Isis, it’s Ma’at.
Isis has a throne Ma’at has a feather.
On 9 October 2013, she got a traditional Ta Moko tattoo on her right hand. She got it whilst on a break from her Diamonds World Tour in New Zealand. It is of arrows, lines and a few stars.
Lol no she didnt get a Ta Moko done at all, she got a tattoo done in New Zealand in the traditional way that a Ta Moko is done but that doesnt make it one
She’s just got a new one on her hand.
The unknown language is indeed Tibetan. It means “the one who loves” which can mean ‘lover’.
She got her 19th tattoo in January 2
Rihanna awesome tattoos love the 1 on your Hand I love to get the exact same 1 done
I want all her tatoos LOL
jst loved her birth date tattoo
Her shoulder tattoo says ll-4-1986 not 4-11-1986
In the islands we write the day then month then year
Like everywhere else in the freakin world
why are there so many arabic tattoos
There’s only one tattoo in arabic, or perhaps you think that all that isn’t english is arabic?
The unknown language is Tibetan FYI!
lol … freedom in Jesus,, yet another religious prayer on the same body, with other tattoos that are none Christian
what a joke…
You Christian bitches think that you guys own the world
You sir are very disrespectful and I pray that God has mercy on your soul
Woah there bud, calm down. Lol.
I’m with anonymous. You need God.
There actually is another religious tattoo that’s the cross, sooooooo……
actually the tattoo doesn’t indicate Jesus directly. the tattoo is in Arabic and its translated exactly to “freedom in the Messiah”, which Yes, I could see why that can be pointed towards Jesus. but it could also mean the anti Messiah. and givin that she’s promoting a satanic way of being as in fuck morals, and follow whatever the hell your heart desires without regards to thinking clearly, I’m inclined to believe the tattoo implies “freedom in the Messiah” as in the antichrist. but that’s just my own reflection.
Stupid and ugly. But it’s her body.
young and stupid …may regret every single on later in life
I highly doubt she will regret a single one!! I have 3 tattoos and I can guarantee I will never regret them or the ones I will be getting in the future. Just because some people frown upon tattoos does not mean it is stupid! All of my tattoos have very deep meaning. It is not your body so maybe you should not worry about it!
Exactly. It is not YOUR body… So maybe SHE will regret it.
Bitch, shut up
i agree…
I love your tattoos!
the Arabic Tattoo, Al Maseeh means the Messiah, who is Jesus.
Now, freedom in believing the messiah can only arise if there is two or more, which does not EXISTS.
the arabic says. freedom in christ(anity). not freedom in God
I love your style I love your music I love everything about you.big up to you gal!
the arabic tatto means freedom in Christianity
Tattoos: Devices for people who wish to express themselves but don’t have the intellect to do it.
Oh, come on. A statement like that only express your lack of intellect.
Sigh, not everything revolves around the way YOUR mind processes things, obviously. If your so closed minded what is your purpose on this page?
…Sigh. You’re*.
your is indeed correct…grammar nazi
No it isn’t, learn English before correcting the mistakes of others
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Poor Sigh. I feel your pain. Sometimes it’s like we are just swimming in a sea of stupidity. The stupidest ones seem to be the ones who think they know the most. I love how every comment here is exactly the same…
“I just love all your tattoos. You are the greatest!” You are all retards. And Rhianna is a retard. I don’t even think that’s a real name. And for the record neither is Shaquanda. If your name is Shaquanda, and I know at least 30% of you just answered “yes”, go home and slap your mother. That goes for you too, Keyshone. Damika, Lashundra, Demarius, Demarae, LaQuasha, LaQuinna, LaQualla, Chontiera, Chontarria, Ravon, Chontele, Rayquan, Layshell, Kinyarda, Kinyarna, Dayqyuia, Dayqyan, Angharad, Anquanette and anyone else who has anything to reply to this but “Amen”
It’s funny how you’re calling her a retard while in the same time failing to even spell her name right.
May be because she doesn’t give a damn?
“The stupidest ones seem to be the ones who think they know the most.” Well well look who’s talking..
Also you seem to be incredibly racist and offensive to people with mental illnesses. But yeah you seem like the good guy in this because you don’t have any tattoos. You’re a special snowflake. Have fun being a hateful sack of crap!
For your information, ignorant fool, people in Barbados tend to give names of Arabic origin, hers being one of them. If your parents failed in raising you into becoming a well informed and decent human being, which they obviously failed on so many levels, John/Steve/Dave/Idiot (whatever your so “normal” name may be), you can’t be blamed for that.
As they were probably of equal intellect as yourself, please do the world a favor and stop breeding, you imbecile.
To those other pathetic, paranoid and ignorant überChristians, her name or having Arabic writing, does not mean it or she is Muslim. Also, get out of your village, read a book, don’t watch Fox and see the world before you judge.
Why do racists babble so much?
Stupidity: people who waste their time to make ignorant comments that are pointless abstrud , untrue and meaningless . Cute though
Hm… except, shes a super hit, world class pop singer… she definitely has the intellect to express herself clearly.
Awesome tattoos-i think theres one tattoo missing though -#Navy.
Fat love i have for you.
i love your tattoo. i also wanna get one
the one in arabic actually means freedom in Christ
I love your tattoos! And I’m getting that one on your finger that says Shhh… :D
i like your tattoos and i’m a big fan of yours nd nicki minaj nd i live in south south africa i’m a girl i’m 14 yrs old nd i’m african
rihanna i am your new member,so i would like to say,ilike your tattoos all of them [nice tattoos]i
rihanna i love yourmany tattoos and they are so sexy and u 2!
rihanna i like the tattoo [love,shhhh…. and the skull ]
wow! Rihanna i wish i had some tattoos like yours {i luv u ririr cuz u r mi mother}
thank u so much and i am your mother!
i love Rihanna your tatto’s are so unique
nice tatoos but i dont know what they mean.
wow nice tatoos
I want to get in touch with Rihanna I have been to hell and back and her songs helped me get through them. I have a deep warm heart similar to her clearly she believes in second chances. I Have become that way as well I love her soothing voice. Chimed with her speaking accent. I love the mystery she has.
Awesome Nice Tattoo Design For Rihanna.
That unknown language is TIBETAN :)
the unknown language looks like bengali
Great article. Love Rihanna and her tatties. Your writing is great but I’m going to annoy you with a grammar correction. Instead of saying “She could of”, use “She could have”.
Eg: If she had gone to the store, she could have bought milk.
It sounds the same when spoken so its just a silly mistake. Peace.
Hahaha….tattoos are VERY demonic. Ignorant Americans are caught up in the glorified illusions of celebrities. Do you guys know who ISIS is??? Haha. Read your bible! Know who isis is and her son, horus!!!! It is also VERY satanic to tilt the cross in anyway. Buyers be aware! We all need to take time to pray for forgiveness as well as repentance! Satan is nearing….the minions are helping. #pray