Celebrity Tattoos

LIGHTS Poxleitner

Rather than covering the old black ink heart and banner tattoo on her left forearm, Lights had it incorporated into a large and colorful new tattoo.  It is a coat of arms which she designed to represents different aspects of her life.   On the left side of the shield is Jesus’ name in Hebrew and and on the right side are the initials “EPVP” for her parents’ names Eric Poxleitner and Virginia Poxleitner.  Planets, a raygun, and music notes reflect her outer space alter-ego Captain Lights.  A lion and a griffin are on the sides crushing a dragon on the bottom.


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LIGHTS Poxleitner

On Lights’ right arm is the Twinblade of the Phoenix from World of Warcraft. Lights describes it as “one of the most beautiful weapons” and says that it’s placement “always makes me feel like I’m on the ready with a weapon.”

Lights had a scar on her arm from when she got from her tuberculosis shot as a child, and she had the tattoo placed so that the jewel on the sword covered the scar. She explains “It scarred me for life. And I had this, it looked like a bullet wound on my forearm, since I was five. And [in 2009] I got this tattoo covering it which is a sword from a game I play called World of Warcraft. But I specifically placed it so that the jewel would be right over the scar. And the scar tissue healed weird and held the ink funny so that it actually looks like an opal. But it looks really cool and gives that jewel a unique look. So I turn scars into jewels.”

Lights loves fictional weapons and has a wall of them in her apartment. “I’m a warrior in World of Warcraft, so I always have swords. And obviously I love this whole warrior vibe,” she says.

The tattoo was done by Derek Lewis at Hartless Design in Toronto.

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LIGHTS Poxleitner

Lights has a tattoo across both of her forearms of lyrics translated into German.  It reads “Jetzt und immer die Segen von der Vater und bleibst Unschuldig bis Er kommt” which translates roughly to “Now and always have the blessing of the father and remain blameless until the end,” though it’s not quite grammatically correct. Lights has said she likes tattoo because the German word for “father” which is “Vater” makes her think of Darth Vader from Star Wars.


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LIGHTS Poxleitner

Lights has a large tattoo on her back of Wonder Woman pushing off the hand of Giganta from the cover of Wonder Woman 2 volume 3.  At the bottom of the tattoo is a banner with the word UNSTOPPABLE written across it.  According to Lights, “it really represents being able to fight big things even though you’re small.”

Lights identifies with powerful female figures, and is particularly enamored with Wonder Woman.  She explains: “Wonder Woman is kind of my role model. She’s beautiful and she’s pure, and she fights with immense strength but integrity. She fights with justice and honor, and she’s not doing anything in a slimy or destructive way, and she’s doing it with grace and out of respect for everyone. And she’s an ambassador for Themyscira and a real symbol of a powerful woman. I think it’s fantastic. And she can kick ass and still look great doing it, so I feel like she’s a great symbol for us.”

Like many of her tattoos, this one represents strength.  “Everything I have on me makes me feel like I can do anything,” she says.


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LIGHTS Poxleitner

On her left ribcage are the words “in this fearsome pilgrimage unearth a crusader’s heart.” She came up with this phrase herself and intended to use it as lyric in one of her songs, but it never made the cut. “[It] was something that was just drifting through my head for a few days. I was going to use it as a lyric but couldn’t make it work anywhere, but it really spoke to me in the time I was in. One day we had to cancel a show in Denver because the roads were closed due to blizzards and we ended up in a small town called Fort Collins. We were all in terrible moods so I escaped to a tattoo shop we passed on the way in and got it done.”


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