Molly Brazy
Molly Brazy has a beautiful rose design on her right thigh.
Molly Brazy has a beautiful rose design on her right thigh.
Mabel McVey has a special constellation composition inked on her left side – creation of tattooist Dr. Woo. ???
Before her album and accompanying comic book series Skin&Earth was even released to the public, LIGHTS has already gotten a tattoo on the back of her wrist matching the one on the character Enaia Jin (“En”), who she based on herself. But fans kept getting introduced to more new characters in the Skin& Earth universe with every subsequent issue.
LIGHTS added another tattoo featuring three different logos on her upper left arm after all six volumes had been released and the whole story was revealed. The design and the placement of this tattoo matches characters in the story, just as the tattoo on her wrist did. The mysterious goddess Mitsuki has these three symbols on her arm and she marks En with them as well. The meaning of the symbols is explained by Mitsuki in Issue #6:
“She marked my arm with three symbols: a moon, a soul, and a sun, to remind me of the true order of life. We are born, we live, then we die and give back, skin and earth once again as one.”
Although En is an embodiment of LIGHTS, she jokes that her own look is based on the character rather than the other way around and that she’s cosplaying every day.
Angel Haze has a moon tattoo on her back with the words “Little Wolf”.
Olivia Holt has an outline of a crescent moon tattooed on the inside of her right ankle.
Lucy Hale has a tattoo of a crescent moon on the right side of her upper back. It is has no special meaning and she got it simply because she liked the way it looked. The tattoo was first seen in January 2016, but it’s usually covered by her clothing so she may have had it for a while before.
Malu Trevejo got a surrealist design tattooed on the center of her chest in June 2018. Her tattoo artist Alex Chiong created the unique ocean-inspired design by superimposing multiple images on top of each other. There are a pair of eyes inked below Malu’s breasts and a conch shell where the woman’s nose would be. A school of fish fills in the space on the bottom while the top of the design features curved lines that represent waves and sea birds. On top of the tattoo is a little black crescent moon, which is often a symbol for women since the menstrual cycle lines up with the lunar cycle. The moon also controls the tides of the ocean.
Malu’s young age is always a source of controversy every time she gets a new tattoo, but this time things don’t add up. The tattoo was done by a licensed artist at a reputable parlor in Florida, where it is only legal to tattoo a minor with parental consent if they are 16 or older — and Malu was 15. The artist actually defended himself by posting a picture on instagram of Malu posing with police officers and wrote “Try again guys Malú is not 13 you guys are haters and her mom is here everyone and everything is fine.” Someone watching her livestream had called the cops who showed up at the parlor but did nothing. So either Malu has been lying about her age and she’s older than she says, or, more likely, she and her mom lied to the tattoo artist and the police and said that she was 16.
Noah Cyrus has three celestial symbols on her knuckles: a twinkling star on her index finger, a crescent moon on her middle finger, and a sun on her ring finger. She loves outer space although she’s not sure why it appeals to her so much. She told AMBY:
I love planets, that’s like my thing….I love talking about planets, and my tour manager makes fun of me and will be like ‘you’re an astronaut today,’ and will totally make fun of me for it. So now it’s kind of turned into a joke that I just want to be an astronaut and work at NASA.
She got these first three in November 2017 and then added a heart on her pinkie in March 2018.
The heart is a Cyrus family tradition, which started when they were little kids. Miley drew a heart on her dad Billy Ray’s hand and he liked it so much that he tattooed it to show his love for her. When Miley was old enough, she got her own heart tattoo on her pinkie which was inspired by his. Their mom Leticia has heart tattoos on her hand and on her pinkie finger. Sister Brandi and brother Trace have heart tattoos as well.
While getting her heart tattoo, she also touched up the faded horseshoe on her pinkie which is a tribute to her mom.
Xenia Adonts got her left fingers inked by Jon Boy with tiny outlined star, moon and sun. ?
This was her first tattoo as she mentioned on her Instagram account “Anzeige * Wow got my first tattoos. I believe in the universe. I believe that you attract what you send out. I believe that energy doesn’t lie. And that’s what all these tattoos mean to me ??? by the best of the best @jonboytattoo”.
Actress Bai Ling, after struggling with booze addiction and getting out of rehab, decided to celebrate her six months newfound sobriety by getting some ink – a moon with stars on her left foot.