Selena Gomez and three of her closest friends have matching tattoos of a number “4” to represent the unity between the four of them. Her tattoo is just below the elbow on her right arm, but each of the pals put their tattoo in a different place. She writes:

“#4 because these women have stayed by my side for 7 years (@ashley_cook 12 years) 4, because you are my 4 for the rest of my life. I love you ladies. You all inspire me to be better, stronger, closer to god and we have lived the most INSANE story together already. Can’t wait for 50 more!!”

The four of them met up to celebrate Courtney Barry’s 26th birthday on August 18, 2018. They didn’t plan to get tattoos beforehand, but the “chill family dinner turned wild” according to Courtney and they wound up at a tattoo parlor. Raquelle Stevens was hesitant about getting a spontaneous tattoo, but after some convincing from her friends she got a very tiny 4 in a discrete spot on her hip. It’s so small that Selena joked “it’s a dot!” adding that Raquel “had an actual panic attack.” Selena is no stranger to tattoos so she picked a more prominent location on her arm. Ashley Cook and birthday girl Courtney Barry both put theirs on their ankles.


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Selena Gomez celebrated her best friend Courtney Barry’s 26th birthday by getting two different matching tattoos with her. Both girls were part of a group of four friends that got matching “4” tattoos, and the two of them got matching rib tattoos as well.

They both got the number “1” on their sides to symbolizes that they are each other’s number one best friend and the one person that they can always turn to.  Selena wrote:

“My actual #1 @courtneyjbarry you are an incredible woman. The way you handle life’s most confusing moments is indescribable and graceful. You are moved by the littlest stories to the most heartbreaking ones, you will give someone your perfume if they say you smell nice, you are freaking hilarious and always stand firm in your faith, a loving sister, an amazing friend and a beautiful daughter. You are the definition of FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made baby!”


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Selena Gomez and the cast of 13 Reasons Why got matching semicolon ( ; ) tattoos in April 2017. She served as one of the executive producers for the Netflix television show, based on the book by Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. It tells the fictional story of a high school student named Hannah Baker who sadly dies by suicide and leaves behind a series of tapes addressed to the people who hurt her explaining where her life went wrong.

The semicolon has become a symbol of suicide prevention through the work of the non-profit organization Project Semicolon. They chose the symbol because it represents a place where a sentence could have stopped but didn’t, making it a fitting metaphor for someone’s life which could have ended in suicide but doesn’t have to. The organization describes itself as a “movement dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are struggling with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury.” They remind people that things can get better with their slogan “your story is not over.”

Selena’s tattoo is a show of support, letting those who are struggling know that things don’t have to end on a low note. She herself has struggled with anxiety and depression and knows firsthand that things can get better. She is a advocate of therapy, particularly Dialectical Behavior Therapy. “DBT has completely changed my life,” she told Vogue. “I wish more people would talk about therapy.”

In a special Beyond The Reasons episode that plays after the final episode of the show, Selena addresses viewers and encourages them to seek help for their troubles rather than resorting to suicide:

Suicide should never, ever be an option…It’s absolutely treatable. Anxiety is. Depression is. Talk therapy, treatment centers, there’s a million ways that you can find help…There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying that you need help. And if you need help at all you can go to to find an organization in your area.

The show 13 Reasons Why has come under fire from some critics who allege that it glorifies suicide. The character Hannah Baker could have opened up about her traumas and betrayals and sought counseling instead of taking her own life. However Selena has defended the series for being real and honest about the issues that teenagers today are forced to confront. She fell instantly in love with the “tragically beautiful” story after reading the book and hopes that the show will help people to get the help that they need.

Selena got her tattoo alongside Alisha Boe, who plays Jessica, and Tommy Dorfman, who plays Ryan. They were already planning to get the tattoos on their own, but when Selena heard about their plans she asked to join. Two of the other executive producers, Joy Gorman Wettels and Kristel Laiblin, had gotten semicolon tattoos a week before.

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Selena Gomez has an tattoo of a lower-case letter “g” behind her left ear for her baby sister Gracie, who was born on June 12, 2013. Her birth was extra special because Selena’s mother had a miscarriage in 2011 with another baby girl whom she had named Scarlett. Gracie Elliot Teefey is Selena’s half-sister and her very first sibling. Selena’s parents have been divorced since she was five years old and she was the only child that they had together, though she now has a second half-sister from her father: Victoria Gomez, who was born on June 25, 2014. Selena and Gracie share the same mother, Mandy Teefey, but Gracie’s father is Selena’s stepdad, Brian Teefey.

This tattoo was first seen in June 2015 and it took a few months for Selena to speak publicly about it’s meaning, leading to lots of speculation from fans and the media. Some thought that it was a letter “J” for her on-and-off boyfriend Justin Bieber or a “J” for Jesus. The most common belief was that Selena had joined a growing list of stars have have gotten “G” tattoos in honor of Georgia Veach, a pastor’s daughter who suffers from a rare and incurable brain disorder called Lissencephaly. Ashley Benson, Hailey Baldwin, and Justin Bieber have all gotten inked in Georgia’s honor. Selena finally put the rumors to rest by confirming that the “G” is for her own sister Gracie.

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Selena Gomez has a tattoo on her left hip which is thought to be an om symbol (ॐ). Om is a sacred symbol in Hinduism, Buddhism, and other Indian religions which represents the sound of the universe. In western culture, Om is primarily thought of in connection with peacefulness, mindfulness, and meditation.

Selena’s stylized design looks different than the more tradition versions of the Om symbol; hers almost looks to say “x31”. It is drawn with thin lines that make it similar to her other dainty inkings.

It was first seen when Selena went to the beach in September 2015, but Selena has a knack for hiding tattoos from the public. No one knows exactly when she had the tattoo done.

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On October 28th 2013, Selena Gomez showed off her new ink; “God who strengthens me” written in script down her right hip. On November 5th 2013, Selena spoke to Ryan Seacrest on his show ‘On Air With Ryan Seacrest’ about her tattoo. She explained that the tattoo is from The Philippians 4:13 verse of the Bible, Selena’s favorite passage: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Selena also revealed that the tattoo was over a year old at the time! “I’ve done a pretty good job of hiding it”, she admitted.

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selena gomez arabic side tattoo

Selena Gomez got her fourth tattoo from artist Bang Bang in June 2014. It is Arabic writing on the right side of her back. It says “أحب نفسك أولا” which translates to “love yourself first.”

“Selena already had it written out how she wanted,” Bang Bang told E! News. “The tattoo is about 4 inches, and didn’t take too long, probably about 30-45 minutes. The longest part is laying it out. We played with it a bit laying it out, until we found the perfect spot.”

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selena gomez roman numeral neck tattoo

Selena Gomez’s second tattoo was a Roman Numeral on the back of her neck, which is believed to be a tribute to her mother. Tattoo artist Bang Bang explained “The tattoo was a tribute to a family member who she said means a lot to her.” The tattoo reads “LXXVI” which is the number 76. Selena’s mother Amanda “Mandy” Teefey was born in 1976.

The tattoo was done at Bang Bang’s New York City studio on September 29, 2012. He says “Selena was nervous it might have been painful, so she held her best friend’s hand the whole time. But she did a great job.”

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selena gomez music note wrist tattoo

Selena Gomez’s first tattoo was a tiny music note on the side of her right wrist. “I was named after a singer [Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla-Pérez] and music obviously is a big influence for me,” Selena told E! Online. “And there’s music stuff with my mom that means a lot to me, too.”

Selena got the tattoo at Under The Gun in Hollywood, CA by artist Louie Gomez on February 22, 2012. The tattoo came shortly after Selena announced that she would be taking a break from music to spend most of 2012 focusing on her acting career. Perhaps she wanted the tattoo to remind herself that music is a part of her even when she’s not performing?

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Celebrity Tattoos

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  3. Selena is just awesome, but in India specially in Hindu culture, OM symbol is a Holy sign of Lord Vishnu, having it’s tattoo on hip is really not a good idea, she should have this tattoo on her shoulder or back instead….

    Anyway, I love her so much
    From 🇮🇳🇮🇳

    • Selena gomez is the most beautiful caring, person and she care about people and loving them. And I love when she sing and never stop singing to all her fan and made her to be a strong willing person who love to do love you selena

  4. Selena Gomez is a great singer . Selena Gomez is a nice person. I hope you have a great day I love you . Good night Selena Gomez and sleep with angles. Nana birthday is on this Sunday she is going to be100 years old. We going to have a party at nanie and popie house this Sunday. I am going to wear a pink dress to nana birth
    Day party . I hope you have a good night today. Love Tessa Gallo

  5. WTH!! I am just 10 years old while my father was born in 1975 ! He is only a year old than selena’s mom Amanda! And his daughter, me ,is just 10 right now! Means she would be just 16 years old when she gave birth to Selena!! OMG!!??

  6. I always say the smaller the better. I’ve always loved selena and I always will. No wanna-be bad boy A.K.A justin-fucking-bieber is gonna change my views on her! I’m not saying y’all should change your views but if u r in love with jb or prefer him to selena in ANY way then I suggest you go sit in front of a fireplace with a cuppa coffee and…just…think about your life

    • I think people have the right to their opinion and they can prefer anyone they want over anyone else. Even though you hate someone or they have hurt you in any way, they have helped others, and you have no right to disrespect them. You’re saying we shouldn’t change our views, but rethink them?? Having the right to form your own opinion is a right as a human being.

      Ps. I dont drink coffee.
      Pss. I have thought about my life very well before you told me to, and I love it. Have respect. :)

  7. I love selena but i dnt love the tattoo,..there are other ways to be thankful to God dat strengthen ya,nt with levitecus 19:28 it says:ye shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the death,nor PRINT ANY MARKS upon you,i am the Lord……though datz wat everione does now,it feels as if u do not belong buh it is a Sin…..people say dey own their life dey can do watever they want with it,buh datz wrong,cos jesus already bought ur life….he is d reason why you are still alive…it is by is grace……

      • its ”i love yourself”

        it should have been

        ”حب نفسك اولا”

        instead of

        ”أحب نفسك اولا”

        • no it’s right, it’s “أحب نفسك أولا” or “اَحب نفسك أولا”
          You need to learn more about Arabic, she spelled it right :)

            • If she wanted it to mean “you should love yourself first” (as in the imperfect indicative tense), it should have read تُحِبُّ

            • Hello! Can you translate this for me in arabic? This will be a big help for me. I wanted to have a tattoo in arabic. Here it is in english. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

              • استطيع فعل كل شيء بفضله هو الذي يقويني
                THERE is the meaning u r looking for akon,i hope you mean god the one and only, and i am arabic and selena’s tattoo means love yourself first,

    • It’s Correct. I wonder though I’m Persian and all my Arabic knowledge is from school but I know it better.
      This phrase is conducted on باب اِفعال.It makes the verb transitive.

  8. Selena you are beautiful the way u r,I love you 4life don’t listen to bad mean negitive comments do watever u want it’s ur life don’t ever listen to the haters cause haters r haters u will always be my favorite singer I love ur tatoo

  9. She has a new tattoo “أحب نفسك أولا” that means “Love Yourself First.” Add this one to the list!
    P.S.: I love how all of her tattoos have a meaning behind, she doesn’t only do tattoos because it’s cool or whatever, she does bc all of it has a strong meaning to her. I love her bc of it <3

  10. i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee her & i think her wrist tattoo is just for showing her fans
    anyway i like it thats cool guyssssssssssss

    • i mean showing when she is singing, but these dayss shes not gonna sing do uuuu know why?
      waiting foe replies

  11. lxxvi/76 does not refer to the year 1976 and the birth of her mother. but to the year 1776, and the founding of illuminati.

    • Selena Marie gomez you love justin drew bieber i miss my
      Brother his name his michael he past a away July 12 2007 2013
      I am a fan of yours i need a some shoes adaisa neo

  12. Selena Gomez also has a tattoo on her wrist that says ”Justin Bieber” witch is the name of her Ex boyfriend Justin Bieber (The singer) as we all know! There is a picture of it on Google!

  13. She probably wanted then small because she thought they would hurt. If she got the small, they wouldn’t be that bad. So what i she doesn’t have like a giant dragon tattoo or something right? Maybe she just wants SOME tiny tattoos to maybe look not too weird. And it’s her life so why worry about others and think about trying to do the right things for you. I mean selena does what selena does. And no one can change
    That. —Fellow Selenator

  14. Those are the tiniest fucking tattoos I’ve ever seen. Avril Lavigne’s tatttoos are just as bad. So annoying.

    • So what if her tattoos are small? I prefer smaller tattoos anyway, if they have meaning what’s the problem? Way better than some huge dumb meaningless tattoo that you’re gonna regret. And I don’t see how a tattoo can be annoying, so what if you don’t like them. As a huge fan of Avril I know that they’re a part of her and her friendships and life. Sometimes a small tattoo can represent you way better than a big one!

  15. yeah ,me 2 think same ,that she wll nvr get a tattoo ,but she is showing now that she is not behind in comparison to other celebrity who having tattoo like rihanna ,miley ,and justin,

  16. I agree that her little music note is so small (that’s still her choice, you can’t do anything about that) that it will probably turn out to be a black dot in a few years but it’s not because you’re getting a tattoo that you have to get it like super big with lots of color and in a place where everyone can see it.

  17. OMg people get over yourself ( i agree with you ashley-sheree) ssoo what if its small thats probs what she wanted something small, meaningful etc, any who i have small tattoos, their meaningful for me not the whole world to see and thats probably what she wants!!!

  18. I love tattoos but i’m not gonna get any cuz if it goes wrong it’s permanent and you cant do anything about and removal is expensive and it hurts.

  19. OMG Cuppy Cakee get a life shes 18 and still a good role model she hasn’t had any controversial pics or choped her hair off and went crazy shes growing and taking her career in a more mature direction everyone grows up and people don’t consider this when bashing on a celebrity.

    • How does chopping off your hair make you a bad role model? Thats a personal choice and just because someone does it, doesnt necessarily mean they’re going crazy or are a bad influence…

  20. I love her tattoo its awesome! I wanted exact same one. When i got to the shop i got not one but 3 music notes with my daughters name cuz she loves music and is a huge fan of selena gomez. ROCK ON SELENA!!!

  21. I love her tattoo it’s nice I’m gonna get one like that in the same spot too cuz I luv music too<3 I love Selena :)

  22. I really like her music note tattoo i will get one just like that in the same spot i really look up to her <3

  23. she is pretty even with a tatoo. i think small 1s r better 4 u anyway. she is not stupid. she is a good actress 2. many people look up 2 her.

  24. Why so tiny? You know after she got that tattoo, that acting career she’s talking about is her starring in a movie where she smokes cigarrettes, is prancing around in a bikini, and is entering a world of sex, drugs, and stealing. Once a good girl turns bad, she’s gone forever. I’ll mourn forever. All it took was a teeny tine music note on her wrist. I’mma see that movie though!

  25. Um…cute? It’s one of those tattoos that’s not worth tattoing almost. You might as well sharpie it on.