Hayley Williams announced her divorce from longtime partner Chad Gilbert in July 2017, leaving her with a regrettable tattoo of his initials “CEG” across three of her fingers. She covered them up with three black squares in February 2018. The boxes mean that she no longer has to see his initials, but going for such a dark cover-up makes it much more difficult if she ever wants to have laser removal.
This tattoo is something that Hayley doesn’t want to talk about for obvious reasons. When asked about her latest tattoo in an interview, she joked “how deep do we want to go?” and then proceeded to talk about her second most recent.
The troubles in their relationship are apparent throughout the lyrics of Paramore’s 2017 album After Laughter. Writing those songs actually made Hayley realize that their marriage was beyond saving. In an essay for Nylon, she wrote:
Writing kept me alive. Forced me to be honest….It helped me realize that I shouldn’t have ever married my ex and that love is not something we can just extract from one other.
She got her fiancé initials tattooed on her fingers
u guys she has a new one on her fingers with chads initials https://scontent-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10991071_883365188352652_5946801087023748226_n.jpg?oh=072868eb855e80b5dfa04f459e5910ce&oe=559430AA
Everybody has their own opinion and the same thing goes with Hayley!
She likes it and so, she’s having it!! Nobody has to be judgemental about it or about anyone!
I love hayley and everything about her
Her tattoos are a lot much more meaningful than shit that people gets inked with
Love you Hayley
Paramore forever
I actually don’t mind any of Hayley’s tattoos. She got them all for different reasons obviously because it pleased her. Though I don’t like all of her tattoos and some were done on such a whim, it’s become less appealing to me- but why would my opinion matter so much to her? Lol Some people get tattooed to get tattooed and not all artists like that. Personally, I don’t think she’ll regret these tattoos, but she’ll definitely look in the mirror and go “Oh, yeah I forgot about that one…” or “That one was when I had that serious tattoo itch”. It happens, but I’m glad she’s confident with her look.
She recently got a new one- it’s a matching Mirthmobile with her sister Erica for Erica’s 18th birthday. It’s on her right calf, i believe.
link here: http://paramoremusiccom.tumblr.com/post/72440724606/hayley-williams-shared-a-photo-of-her-and-sisters
whats that mean “TBC”?????
Taking Care of Business ;)
whats that mean “TBC”???
I love all but I don´t like more the first and latest tattoos
ok i love the first but i think it can see better more littlest
ok i love the first but i think it can see better more little
When i first saw the video “still into you” (official) i liked what hayley was wearing – it looked cool and she looked good in the short skirt with the yellow ripped up lookin tights. The tatoos i saw seemed part of her and didnt bother me …It was her and shes beautiful , nice legs too – but now i feel i might be loosing my hayley….God has blessed her with tallent and naturally good features – Id hate to see her get over-inked !
I think tattoos are very disagreeable… she’s not a sailor man or a soldier to have too much of them… need to find another singer to follow….
I just hope you won’t stop listening to her music just because of her look…
And well, you see, we are not in the 60’s anymore, anybody can be tattooed now. Welcome to the XXI century…
omg this is the stupidest shit I’ve ever read
I love Hayley with all her tattoo because everyone of them means something for her ! It’s her choice and she doesn’t care if people will say that it’s ugly because she did those tattoes for herself and her fans who will love her with all her choices. I am a Parawhore and I will be forever, it’s like a tattoo for me, that’s why tattoo means choices that you will have forever (except with a laser but I don’t talk about it) So, it’s Hayley’s choice and I respect it, but I respect people’s hating Hayley’s tattoo too, like Hayley says on her T-shirt, I love everyone ! This is Hayley’s mentality that I adore : “accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative.” Perdon my englih, I’m french :)
says the ‘Parawhore’…. love her music, but i would never call anyone a Parawhore. that’s gross.. idek if Hayley would appreciate that xD esp since the band name already has a illicit connotation.
Hayley says Parawhore too. I’ve seen it multiple times on things she has said on their website
you were never a true fan at all if you think tattoos are that terrible. so, you put so much time, energy and money into an artist or band and then you just leave because they have a little ink? good luck finding any artist without them. in this day and age, everyone has them, they’re part of the norm. i’m not saying you have to agree with getting them but you shouldn’t think lesser of a person just because they want to have constant reminders on their skin. our bodies may be a temple, but why not decorate the walls? we’re all blank canvases and are allowed to do with it as we please, the fact you’re willing to judge her based on how she decides to express herself says a lot about you as a person as well. everyone has a story, and if she wants to tell it in ink, than so be it. in my honest opinion, it’s better you aren’t her fan anymore, we don’t need people like you ruining things with your stingy, uptight attitude.
Preach it, gurrl!! i agree :P
That was so amazing!! I have had a HUGE crush on Hayley since I heard of Paramore in 2006 and they have literally been my #1 favorite band since then nonstop and for someone in this century to dislike someone due to ink that isn’t doing anything to them is extremely ridiculous. Like you said, they dnt deserve to be a Paramore fan anyways
Yeah I love Hayley but the tattoos are actually kind of weird. Like the shave me one? It’s pretty stupid no offence. DON’T SHOOT ME, I’m entitled to have my own opinion whether you agree with it or not. I just think the meaningful ones are relevant like the heart, the flowers of her sisters the cross the barcode and the envelope one. But I think the other ones make those really meaningful one less important. Like hey the weather’s stormy i’m gonna get a tattoo of this? Like come on seriously.
I would say that it is kind of the whole point. I have tattoos and they all have some pretty heavy meaning for me and because of that, I’d love to get a tattoo totally stupid and just say : “well, that was just the impulsion of the moment!” So I would say that it is kind of the same thing for her. But I am just speculating on the way I see things, it may be something completely different!
No offense but it refreshing to see a tattoo with some comedy behind it. I wouldn’t call that stupid. Stupid is when you tag your own name to your skin, that’s just plain retarded. I have nothing against deep tattoos but just because we struggle or cry doesn’t mean we’ve lost our funny and comical selves. I love the idea.
The razor is meaningful. On tour shed forget to shave her legs so Josh would always write “shave me” on her legs. She got the tattoo to remind her of friendship and good times on tour.
The lightning bolt is another tour one- warped?
But the “Shave me” one *does* have some meaning. It’s a symbol of her life on tour. One day when she’s retired from music and such, she’ll always remember what life was like in Paramore.
It’s all about self-expression. That’s why she dyes her hair or wears clothing other people find ugly or strange. Cause she’s expressing herself.
One of the most unique and creative woman in music! I am a true admirer of her fashion. So frickin eclectic.
She’s a great singer, but all of these tattoos suck.
Most people get tattoos just because they look good, not because they mean anything. I think its nice that they all mean something to her. They’re all symbols for who she is, and they’re a good way of remembering the best days of her life. Plus, they must of seriously hurt, so GO HAYLEY.
I think that the tattoo on her wrist is brilliant, the one that the other band members got. I think its really sweet they’re that close.
I know that Christianity is a big part of your life, and so is mine, but in the Bible it says “Do not get any markings in your skin, or cut yourself for the dead.” I forgot what chapter or verse, but he said not to put markings in your skin. Your skin is Jesus’ skin. I’m still learning and you know more than I do so idk if you’ll read this listen to me, but just reply (if you do) and tell me what you think about this.
Oh, shut up and quit living your life based on a fictional book of crap.
How rude :/ she/he even said he/she wasn’t sure about it…
Tattoos are not a bad thing, they are a form of art only true to that person, it’s a public window into the soul of the person who has them. I don’t believe God looks at the tattoos you have or the color of your hair or what brand of jeans you have on today. He’s about heart not ink.
I agree tattoos are not at all bad. The scripture you just quoted is from Leviticus 19:28 But it means do not cut your bodies for the dead, so when we talk about tattoos if your doing it as worship to dead bodies then it’s wrong. Cause that’s what they use to do back in those days worshiping false idols. But other than that it says nothing in the new testament about having tattoos. =)
Worshiping false idols ? Catholics foolishly elevate their Popes to the idolatrous level of God’s Vicar (representative) on earth. God has no official representative upon the earth. All believers are God’s representatives (2nd Corinthians 5:20).
That is Old Testament…when the bail was torn all the strict laws were no longer relavent. So if u go by that tat verse…don’t eat bacon, when u r on your
Period excommunicate yourself from your family for a week, and don’t ever braid your hair. Know your stuff before you make yourself look ignorant
Hayley also believes in gay rights and birth control. I take it she’s not one to take the Bible literally.
I think it’s more of loving your neighbour as you love yourself. So who are we to judge, I’m a Christian but this doesn’t mean we’re against all gay people. As for birth control you are allowed to use birth control of course if you are married. Hayley’s opinion about birth control is evaluated any further. So we cannot judge accurately without making assumptions. =)
The New Testament also states that Christ dying for us means we are free from the bindings of the Old Testament law. Bam
Jesus had tattoos.. I am a Christian, and the bible has multiple meanings because so many people have tampered with its original context. If God didn’t believe in marking your skin, he wouldn’t have given his child the idea of tattoos. If God didn’t want his children to cut, then he shouldn’t give his children any reason to do so. Just saying.
I know exactly what scripture you’re talking about, and I used to say the same thing. I’m a Christian too, it’s a big part of my life. The Old Testament is a long list of rules for the ISRAELITES back then. Influenced by pagan culture, they would make human sacrifices, defile their bodes, etc. so The Old Testament is a list of rules for them, because God knew they would make huge mistakes without them. Jesus came with a NEW set of rules on how to live, so we wouldn’t have to follow all the long rules set to keep the Israelites pure in The Old Testament. As an example, you had to go through a long process to talk to God in The Old Testament, but because Jesus came, we can talk to God simply by praying.
I hope that makes sense.
This is the same text that says it’s okay to sell your daughters away for marriage and take up sex slaves. It also says that you can’t eat shellfish, plant two different types of plants by each other, wear clothing with two different materials (for examples a leather jacket over a wool hoody), or get divorced. If we were to all live like what the Bible says, we’d live in a terrible world.
This day and Age jesus would have every bible verse tattooed on his body
The shave me tatt is so disgusting looking. The rest are okay I guess.
Literally about an hour ago she got a new one. It is on the back of her arm above her elbow. It’s of a lightning bolt with the letters t,c and b above it. She has it on her twitter.
I love Hayley but I don’t get the tats.
Tattoos come in different sizes, shapes, forms, colors, and patterns. Love the last tat, excellent!
She got a new one recently. It says “Accelerate the positive Eliminate the negative” on her forearm.
^there’s the pic.
Accentuate, not accelerate.
Haha shave me lol!
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=353007111423305&set=a.168743296516355.41467.166157280108290&type=1&theater hayley have a new tattoo :)
I surely love all her tats, glad they all have some meaning behind it and not just randomness. The three bars tattoo is the one that strikes me the most with awe and beauty (for some reason). So, when I am able to, I shall get that also tattooed on my inner wrist as a sign to my faithfulness to PARAMORE as a band when it went from an orignal 5 (if you look at the PARAMORE IS: logo on the inside of their debut album ALL WE KNOW IS FALLING, it says that there are 3 regular and two others that isn’t familiar [surely the reason of the screaming – but yet beauitful – blend in MY HEART]) down to 4 (RIOT!) and stayed strong and bumped up to 5 (THE FINAL RIOT! – enter Taylor York) and stayed through BRAND NEW EYES with 5 and got bumped back down to 3 for the SINGLES EP and for future album(s). I love Paramore, it’s a great band no matter what happens to’em, and I can’t wait to get the tat as a loyal fan and a loyal Singles Club Member :D
I actually did the patched heart on Hayley. I was on that tour and we all just got a hurtin’ heart. The letters are HHT for hurtin’ hearts tour. The “M” is actually just a burst behind the right side of the heart.
i love the heart tattoo :) my ex boyfriend told me when he got older he would get a heart tattoo with my name in it….then a few days later he dumped me. ( told me to find someone better and he didnt love me anymore) :(
lindos *-*
i love the heart tattoo very simple but cute :)
cade a nova tatuagen ?
hayley now has cherry blossom on her hip as far as i can work out look on paramore.net there is a video of her getting it done there
Hi there I am so glad I found your website, I really found you by mistake, while I was looking on Aol for something else, Regardless I am here now and would just like to say thanks a lot for a marvelous post and a all round enjoyable blog (I also love the theme/design), I don
what about her tatto that the whole band has?
I think that ones cool. It’s a black box with 3 white spaces on the inside to symbolize the 3 band members. Hayley rocks <3
im a HUGE fan of hayley.im 10 but tht doesnt stop meh im a 5th grader fan of a rock band and i wanna say hayley got those tattoos 4 a really good reason HAYLEY U ROK!!Paramore 4 ever
she now has 6. she, taylor and jeremy got the same tattoo not too long ago for the band.
I hate the cross one :/
hayley will definitely would look much better on stage if she’ll do the guitar while singing.
she has another tattoo on the inside of her wrist, jeremy and taylor got the same to match, its four lines in a box, its FIT:)
Does she shave her arms? Like… it looks like she does. I’m just curious.
Guys Hayles can get as many tattoos as she wants, I think they all look awesome.
i didn’t expect you got tattoo hayley,,, what are those for?
Hayley !!! STOP ! TATTOO Please!!! Enough !!!
Don’t forget to put up the newest one that all of Paramore got! :D
[…] Tattoos […]
Yeah like @jessica said Hayley got a matching one with Taylor and Jeremy :D Just released yesterday
hayley has a new tattoo
Does she have a new tattoo on her left wrist? I think I may have seen something black that looked like the three stripes she had on the back of one of her B.O.Y. shirts.
The storm cloude tatoo is awesome!
Lmao, shave me.. My legs are hairy too :(
I love Hayley and she’s wonderful.But I want Josh and Zac to be in the band.
I luv Hayley!!!!
luv hayley wiliams tattoo parmore sing brickof bick
my favorite tattoo of hayley’s is the tattoo behind her ear from the warped tour
Can I put a few of these pictures in my fan page? Of course, I would see that they are from here. :)
[…] Tattoos […]
the warped one is my favourite :)
when was the crucifix was tattooed?
Shortly after the Farro brothers left and there was a whole bunch of drama.
her newest one is a little black heart on the outside of her left wrist. she and her friend dakotah got matching ones. if u look closely at “the last word” interview, you can see it
Maby this is a good picture, the solid cross on her leg. not only from the top,. but you can see her too.. so you get a better image of it..
Wow!It makes me pee to see how many celebs got so many tats.
I didnt think shed get any more i dont regret getting my tats not many people can see the the comparinsons
of our tattoos because
i have tattoos almost like hers and todays my neice was finally born its like she knows my sister chasity
what about the little one on her arm that she made with her friend Dakota???? check it out here http://oi52.tinypic.com/351a2pz.jpg
it’s missing that and the black cross on her leg!
She got a heart on jeer wrist too, total of 5. Shave me,the heart beside that,the warped,cross,& tiny heart
Well, she has 3 tattoos now right. the solid cross on her leg.. are there pictures from?
she has a heart on her arm and a cross on leg
you need a serious update on this..
when you will come to Indonesia again, because many Indonesian people who like the same band & music2 you & your style on stage,
kapan anda datang ke indonesia lagi , karna vans2 anda telah menunggu kehadiran anda di indonesia
ah…. malu2in orang indonesia loe! let me tell you,, it should be FANS, not VANS. got it??
i love ou haylley & paramore
this really has nothing to do with her tatoo and its kind of personal, you might not know but what brand of pads/tampons does she use, because for school im making a magizen and im in change of the ads, so im making one for pads/tampons, and i wanted to know what brand she uses so i can include her in the ad.
real fuckin weird dude.
how the heck would would know that….?
That’s just fucking creepy dude, Hayley would keep that very personal!
How hard did your teacher laugh when you turned your add in?
umm…that is freaking hilarious but creepy. Well, just go with big brands…akward comment though bro.
Uhhhh…what the f*ck? O_O
Yoour Too Awesome ;D
hey hayley has a new tattoo on her left leg its a black cross got to paramore.net to see it its in the photo stream
wheres the cross?
my favourite is the new one, the black cross :)
I really do love that one. =) It looks really cool and it has a good meaning.
yeah ur ryt
She made another one today. Check i out here: http://www.paramore.net/photo/got-a-black-cross-on-my-leg-my-faith-is-the-only-thing-that-never-fails-me/
I can only see two? The razor ‘shave me’ and the warped tour one.. Where’s the third?
I’m counting the heart behind the razor as a third tattoo, though she may have gotten those two done at the same time.
The black cross is on her left thigh, and she has a heart on her wrist, and one on her ankle, not the razor one though.
No genius, the cross is on her right thigh.
the third one is a little heart on her wrist
[…] Tattoos […]
Amo el de su oreja :3 (L) gracias por la informacion :D
She should totally get a funny tattoo on her butt.
I like all the tats, they’re very Hayley. My friend wants a lightning bolt behind her ear and she wants me to get a gray cloud behind mine, I think that’s not happening. A tat behind your ear would hurt sooooo bad, plus clouds would make it seem like I was depressed or something.
I love the warped tatt!!!!!!!!!!!
i love haley wiliams style
Hayley definately has tattoos. Three to be exact. I hope she gets more eventually. I admire tattoos and i admire Hayley so tattoos + Hayley = love it <3
I’m pretty sure she has one on her back sayin’ ‘drug free’ or sth like that.
You mean in that radio interview?
Watch it again and it says it on her boxer shorts. That’s what she was showing the guy and he was like ‘I thought you were mooning me!’. Haha, funny stuff.
she did an interview this year and said she has no tattoos…
Are you sure that it was from this year? Because she definitely has tattoos. We’ve all seen them and I’ve got four legitimate quotes here of Hayley discussing them.
Haha (:
The Warped tattoo is Cool =)
Yeah! The Warped tattoo is amazing! I was at the Cleveland show in 2007, and it was beyond amazing. I’m so glad I stuck around for after the storm and saw them. Hayley is right, that is one day/event that I will never ever forget. So worth everyone thinking they were going to die. (:
@Emilie: I agree.
don’t like the razor tattoo… I feel like its too big and a razor isnt the best. She should have had it written in a cool font and done it smaller if you ask me. Her warped tattoo is good. That one is going to be a good memory and its small and meaningful. Just my opinions no haters please! :)
i never knew hayley had tattoos. now, i love her even more xD its so cute how she tattooed ‘Shave Me’ on herself. That’s ace. and the warped one is cool.
its so cute it makes me want one
cool tats
I LOVE YOU HAYLey !!! wanna have those kinds of tats also !!!
those are all AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Hayleys tattoo behide her ear is, just lovely :)
What means the tattoo under the “Shave me” tattoo. It looks like heart
i really like the one behind her ear
love <3 ur tatoo on ur ears!!
I LOVE the shave me tattoo, it’s hilarious. But I wouldn’t get it.
I liker her razor 1!
I just saw the tatoo in a magazine and I thought it was hilarioussss. 8DD
i like halyley beaucse she sing’s really good
ha, i don’t know why, but i LOVE the shave me one, i knew about that one from an interview i read from this magazine my spanish teacher brought in for me.
I love hayley, I love her tats, I love paramore :D
the 3rd pic loox like a butt!!! no wonder y it sez wat it says lol
hahahaha that one in the corner says dick xD
the second picture below looks like so weird.. if I didn’t know it was her ancle showing the ‘shave me’ tattoo, I’d say she has such a tattoo on her asss ;p it does look like that, right?
Wait, they played at the Cleve warped 2007??? I was at that one and waited for them while it was starting to rain but they never came out to play! Then the storm broke loose and everybody ran for cover. We waited forever for everything to get set back up after the storm died down. Oh my god! You mean to tell me that they played afterward and I missed it!??! OH NO! I feel so stupid! Oh well, I did get to see them for free at the Pittsburgh warped, though! Kevin is a great guy!!
i <3 da shave me tatt! tht one is awesomme!!!!!!!
The warped tatto ist my favourite :D
see alot of people think that people get stupid tattoos!!!!!!!!! i want to get a orange heart with black wings and inside i want it to say god!!!!!!! i want it on my ankle!!!! i also want other ones but not all tattoos are stupid!!!!!
I hope hayley gets more tats, the 3 she already has r cool, does any one have the kerrang artical she where she said it and will some e-mail it 2 me at Isayblahblahblah@yahoo.com
@chealsea, it means More Machine Than Man. It’s a band, must be one hay;ley is close friends with.
4 sometime, i really thought shave me tat was a swan, i guess i got it confused with lacey mosley’s tattoo ;D
shes so cool! i love her!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m getting the warped tattoo except its going to say obey instead
I Love the warped tattoo! It’s so awesome!
I just red in todays kerrang (10/4/2010)
that hayley mite be thinking of geting so more tattoos!!!
Awesome! = }
they’re beaut, so hayley
Its HHTM = Hurtin’ Hearts Tour. Cant remember what the M stands for. My boyfriend has the same one because he was on that tour.
“Hurtin’ hearts” is a term Ian from NFG would say when people were being mean or rude to each other on the tour.
Js, lol @ the 3rd pic saying “dick” @ the bottom. ;p
what does her MMTM tattoo stand for?
wow she have 3 tats
my favorite is the warped one :)
i agree, i think its awesome that hayley has three tatoosx