Writing Tattoos

Zoë Kravitz

Zoë Kravitz went to her favorite tattoo artist Dr. Woo on December 27, 2015 to get a new tattoo on the inside of her left forearm. Her tattoo is a palm tree on the beach with delicate leaves in Dr Woo’s signature single-needle style. “Bahamas” is written vertically along the trunk of the tree.

Zoë has multiple ties to the Caribbean island. Her paternal grandmother was from the Bahamas and her father owns a home there. She spent the 2015 Christmas holiday writing and recording new music with her band Lolawolf in the Bahamas and then got this tattoo as soon as she returned home to Los Angeles.


Sailor Brinkley Cook

“When i wake up in the morning I decide. I decide how i want to act, I decide who i want to be, I decide who i surround myself with, I decide how i choose to look at things, I decide what to put my energy into… I decide my happiness and I decide my life. I’ve been writing this on my arm for as long as I can remember. May sound cheesy but it’s something i’m glad i can always look down on and remember ? Thank you @jonboytattoo for bringing this to life! ❤️”

Marzia Bisognin

Marzia got this tattoo on her left forearm in September 2015. The writing, which says “La casa sulla luna” in her native language Italian, means “The house on the moon” in English. It’s a phrase from the book We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson, which has helped Marzia to deal with her social anxiety. The house on the the moon is a metaphor for a feeling of safety. On her blog she explained:

But this topic brings me to the next tattoo: “La casa sulla luna”, which translated is “The house on the moon”.

This refers to my social anxiety: once again, you know I struggle with it, and it used to be really really bad. This sentence comes from one of my favourite books, “We Have Always Lived in the Castle”, where the protagonist, after going through a tragedy, can never leave the house without feeling observed and judged by people.

If you have social anxiety you know that feeling very well: as soon as you leave your safe place, it feels like everybody is staring at you, and you just want to hide from the world.

In the story, the girl would imagine her safe place in her head (the house on the moon) while being outside, just so that thought could be somewhat comforting to her. And so I tried it myself, I would think about it as well while leaving the house, or when I was in uncomfortable situations, and it helped me greatly.

That’s why it’s on my body, it’s a constant reminder that I can do it, it’s all in my head, and if I think about positive things instead of letting my dark thoughts come to mind, everything will be fine.


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