Jesy Nelson revealed a new tattoo on the left side of her ribs at the Global Awards on March 1, 2018. It says “Keepers” and it might be part of a matching “Finders Keepers” tattoo with someone else, possibly her boyfriend Harry James?
Even though the tattoo can be seen clearly, the uneven handwriting makes it hard to tell what it says. The loop on the to of the “r” is too high while the loop on the “s” is too low. We have to agree with one instagram user who commented “It does say Keepely tho doesn’t it? That’s what it looks like… what’s it meant to say? Cause whatever it’s meant to read it doesn’t I’d want my money back from the tattooist.”
Tattoo artist Gabby Colledge does these cursive tattoos in her own handwriting for an organic but imperfect look. Looking through her portfolio, her letter “r” has a tall loop in many of her designs, including Jesy’s own “girl power” tattoo.
I feel like that all of jesy tattoos are basic on her ex’s, Is it just me thinking that but I do love her
133 tower road
The tattoo about being born original but don’t die a copy.. she has become a copy of others by not being her true self.
Reasons behind that are bullies who have killed her original image and tarnished her ugly and she thinks she has to be like everyone else’s ideal.
SHe is not a sheep – she is carving her own way – lets celebrate individuality, some people don’t like it because you don’t fade into the background but why should anyone be background – stand front and centre and be proud of being an original
Jesy has another tattoo on her side. You can see it grom her outfit at the global awards, it’s horizontal on her right side
i agree!
Jesy literally has a lot of roses tattoos!
Jesy got new tatoos on her left hand fingers
I wish she wouldn’t have them! But I’m just saying!????
love the writhings but the skull i really hate its ugly
I’m sorry but personally I love it
I like the skull and roses but the rest nooo
The Roman one is actually 19-8-11 not 9-8-11
She got a new tattoo on the inside of her arm
The third tattoo is “You were born an original so don’t die a copy”
She has 5 now!!!! She has those two, the date that little mix got put together in roman numerals on her right wrist, another script tattoo going down her left side, and now her large left forearm floral piece!
she is allowed as many as she wants his her body some ppl have many many more than 5
in my opinion jesy has 4 Tattoos now .. i think she has also one on her side ( and one on her wrist (
i’m the same opinion … jesy has Roman numerals on her wrist
the tattoo says ” music is the strongest FORM of magic” , not ” music is the strongest from of magic”
Can you do Leigh-Anne Pinnock’s tattoos? She has one on her neck and back.
she does? I did not no that
you spelt know wrong u wrote no just a heads up spell check
can you do jade thirlwall’s tattoo? she has one on her spine.
It says “Anyone can achieve their dream if they’ve got the courage”