Mindy White’s first tattoo is of the word “daggum” on the inside of her bottom lip. “Daggum” is a word that Mindy uses in place of swearing. She explains:
It’s like saying “dang” or “darn.” I don’t like profanity so I try not to use it. “Daggum it” is the same thing as saying “Dang it.” It’s a rather southern term.
Mindy got this tattoo during Warped Tour 2006 to remind her of home. Inspired by a friend with “sushi” tattooed in her lip, Mindy first considered getting “barbecue” as a tribute to her Tennessee home. She instead decided on “daggum” to remind her of her parents.
We were on Warped tour and this guy was giving out free tattoos. I have a friend that has “sushi” with arrows pointing down her throat, and I wanted to get “barbecue.” Which is funny, I’m glad I didn’t because now I’m vegetarian. So I was thinking “what can I get that reminds me of home?” and my parents always say “daggum,” like “dang it,” “daggum it.” So I got that.
Celebrity: Mindy White
Theme:Dad Home Mom Tennessee Tour
posted by Linda on October 13, 2016