Upper Arm Tattoos

Juliet Simms

Juliet Simms has writing which goes all the way around her upper right arm. It is lyrics from her husband Andy Biersack’s band Black Veil Brides: “When I hear your cries, Praying for life, I will be there” from the song “Saviour.” She first showed off this tattoo in October 2011 at the same time as her “Andy” tattoo.


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Jahan Yousaf

Jahan Yousaf’s “Krewlife” tattoo is a matching tattoo that she shares with her sister and fellow Krewella member Yasmine Yousaf and two members of Krewella’s crew. All of them got the tattoos together in October 2013. She tells Digital Tour Bus: “On our days off on tour we love to visit tattoo parlors.  We were in Urbana, Illionois and all three of us decided to get tattoos with our director Miles Evert and our tour manager David Carlson.”

Jahan Yousaf

Jahan Yousaf has an intricate tattoo on her upper right arm.  The design includes gears, and eye, and a crescent moon and star which are a symbol of Islam.  Jahan grew in an Islamic household and went to Islamic school as a child.  Her father is Muslim and was born in Pakistan, while her mother is a first-generation American of German and Lithuanian descent who converted to Islam when they got married.

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Beth Lucas

Acoustic artist Beth Lucas from Brisbane, Australia has been adding to her collection of colourful body art consistently over the last six years. What started out as a little rebellious inking has turned into a fully fledged artistic journey and Beth’s not about to stop anytime soon.

Beth has one full sleeve (right arm) that is made up of roses/vines and other traditional inspired pieces, such as a snake, dagger, locket with keys and ribbons, and a small bird cage on the inside.

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