Pet Tattoos

Marzia Bisognin

Marzia Bisognin got three tiny tattoos on her left arm during one session in July 2015: a tree branch on her upper arm, a letter “P” in a heart on her elbow, and the word “shy” on her forearm.

The “P” is for her dog Puga, a tan pug who belongs to Marzia and her boyfriend Felix aka PewDiePie. Puga’s real name is Maya, but it seems as though they call her by the nicknames Puga and Puga-chan most of the time. Both Marzia and Felix have made YouTube videos starring Puga, who has only one eye.

In an instagram post, she wrote: “It was extremely hard to get a picture with all 3 but I think I’ve managed to: the one on top is a minimal twig; the heart is on the side and has a “P” for Puga-can inside of it; the last one is on the back of the arm and reads “shy”, which is the more meaningful one, although they are all special to me. Please know that leaving rude comments won’t make me stop, as I explained many times tattoos are something I enjoy. :)” (more…)

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Bethany Cosentino

Bethany Cosentino has a tattoo on her left arm of her own cat’s name “Snacks” and her family dog’s name “Roxy.” She had the Snacks tattoo first and added Roxy’s name as a memorial after Roxy died. Snacks is still alive and well.

She told Sad Girls Guide: “My mom and I got matching tattoos of our dog’s name ‘Roxy’ when we were in Denver in February [2014]. She passed away and was our family dog for years, so we felt like we had to forever commemorate her. I have her name tattooed below my cat’s name on my left forearm.”

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Kesha got a cat face on her left big toe in July 2013 at the same time as her “Animal” tattoo. She is a huge cat lover and has three pet cats — Mr. Peep$, Mr. Fluffy Pant$, and Charlie.

She has also jokingly formed a Cat Cult. “So I’ve always wanted to have a cult, I think I could be a pretty good cult leader,” she told E!. “So I’m going to start a cult and people can be in it if they like to be cats or play with cats or play with cat toys.” (more…)

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