Anne-Marie got a tiny yin-yang symbol tattoo on her left elbow in May 2018. The ancient Chinese sign represents balance between opposites.
Anne-Marie got a tiny yin-yang symbol tattoo on her left elbow in May 2018. The ancient Chinese sign represents balance between opposites.
In July 2016, Jahan Yousaf and her sister Yasmine got matching neck tattoo which are half of a yin-yang symbol in a paisley style. Artist Bang Bang told Rolling Stone “One of them is gonna get a positive image. The other’s gonna get the negative. So they kinda match and go together. When they look at each other, you’ll see both sides.” The yin-yang represents the duality of opposites.
Yasmine Yousaf has a paisley design on her neck. It is half of a yin-yang symbol , and her sister Jahan has the other half. “We’re doing a yin-yang, but in a paisley style. We’re each getting fifty percent of the yin and yang,” Yasmine told Rolling Stone. The yin and yang is a Chinese symbol which represents the duality of opposite forces.
They got the ink done by artist Bang Bang, who has tattooed Rihanna, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, and many other stars. “We’re big fans of his work, so it fucking awesome to be tattooed by him,” she says. She and Jahan both placed the tattoos next to their 6-8-10 neck tattoos, which is another matching tattoo that they share.
Marzia Bisognin has a tattoo on her upper back of a yin-yang symbol in the shape of a sun. In November 2014, she added a line of symbols going down her spine. They are the symbols of the planets in our solar system, ordered by distance to the sun. From top to bottom she has Mercury ☿, Venus — also the symbol for women, Earth ⊕, Mars
— the symbol for men, Jupiter ♃, Saturn ♄, Uranus ♅, and Neptune ♆. (more…)
One of Marzia’s oldest tattoos is this yin-yang symbol in the shape of a sun on her upper back. The yin and yang represent balance of opposing forces.
In November 2014 she added onto this tattoo with planetary symbols going down her back, ordered by their distance from the sun, using this existing sun tattoo as in integral part of the design. (more…)
Amira McCarthy gave her own twist to a traditional mandala design by putting a yin-yang symbol in the center. The mandala is a symbol that represents the universe in both Hinduism and Buddhism, while the yin-yang (also known as a taijitu) is a Taoist symbol which represents opposites existing in harmony. Artist Archie at Hammersmith Tattoo did the tattoo in July 2014.
Nikki Williams’ favorite tattoo is the red and black heart-shaped yin-yang symbol on her upper right arm. It has the name “Mildred” for her grandmother, who passed away when Nikki was 16 years old. “She was one hell of a woman and a big part of who I am today,” Nikki says.
Megan Fox has a black tattoo on the inside of her left wrist which looks like a yin-yang symbol.