Sparrow Tattoos

Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose has a blue swallow tattooed on the back of her neck. Swallows are a common traditional sailor tattoo representing freedom.

This is one of Ruby’s older tattoos and she has had it re-worked. Pictured top-right is the original tattoo in 2010, which was smaller and was just an outline. The cover-up is filled in with shades of blue and looks more cartoonish.


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Lights’ very first tattoos were the sparrows on her hips which she got as a symbol of moving away from home.  She explains: “I had just moved away from home and I was 18. I was living in Vancouver at the time and I moved to Toronto, so it’s a big move, it’s like L.A. to New York. I was kind facing the world on my own for the first time and my parents probably would have never let me get a tattoo but I moved out, like ‘I’m a free bird.’ So I got [on my hips] — it’s super cliché, but I got two sparrows. From this hole in the wall place and I was underage. The guy wasn’t that great. But it was exciting because it was my first tattoo.”

Why a sparrow? “I never get anything that doesn’t mean something.  The sparrow travels the world but always knows how to get home. And a sparrow is a love bird. They find their partner and they stay with them forever. They’re a really loyal bird. It just had a really cool story behind it.”

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