Silhouette Tattoos

Bea Miller

Bea Miller has a tattoo on her right arm of the planets in our solar system in order of their distance from the sun. Earth is the third circle from the left. Jupiter is the largest circle while Saturn is distinguished from the rest with its rings. Bea’s tattoos is not done exactly to scale since the first four planets would be extremely tiny compared to the last four. The distance between planets is of course not to scale either. From left to right, all of the planets in the tattoo are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

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Ruby Rose

Ruby Rose has three playing cards tattooed on the left side of her chest. The top card is the 3 of hearts with two other number 3 cards below it.

She used to have another tattoo directly below the cards which has been erased thanks to laser tattoo removal.  The removed tattoo looks like the initials “CM” — probably for her former fiancee Catherine McNeil.


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