Upper Arm Tattoos

Marzia Bisognin

Marzia Bisognin got a tattoo of a heart on her upper arm in October 2014. It has the initials “M.F.” for her mom and dad’s names Marziano and Franca. She shared a picture of the freshly-done ink wrapped in saran wrap and explained:

“I have just done it and I have to keep it covered for a few hours, dirty with extra ink and blood, but I wanted to show it anyway since everyone is going CRAY CRAY :P Before you misunderstand this tattoo, the initials stand for Marziano and Franca – my parents :) Nothing else. Oh, and if you are curious, it’s in the back of my arm. And no, it didn’t hurt!”

Marzia wanted to set the record straight so her followers wouldn’t assume that the “M” and “F” are for Marzia and Felix, her boyfriend (known on YouTube as PewDiePie). (more…)

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Melanie Martinez

Melanie Martinez has a tattoo on her upper left arm of a wedge of swiss cheese on a red heart with scalloped lace trim. Artist Josh Barg tattooed Melanie along with members of her band while they were on tour in Michigan in February 2015.

Most of Melanie’s tattoos remind her of things that she loves, even if they are a bit silly.  This tattoo is simply because she loves cheese.  She told Fuse: “I love cheese.  I’m obsessed with cheese!  I’m like the biggest dairy queen in the world.” She also has a tattoo of a milk carton on her leg. (more…)

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