Vanessa Ferlito has a diamond tattoo in her right forearm.
Vanessa Ferlito has at least 9 known tattoos:
Vanessa Ferlito has a diamond tattoo in her right forearm.
Vanessa Ferlito has a latin tattoo on her back that reads: “condemnant quod non intellegunt”.
Vanessa Ferlito has written tattoo on her right hip.
Vanessa Ferlito has a dream catcher tattoo on her left shoulder blade.
Vanessa Ferlito has, on her right bicep, the date “9-21-07” inscribed, which is the birth date of her son, Vince.
Vanessa Ferlito has the word “ROSE” inked on her left upper arm.
Vanessa Ferlito has a tiny tattoo on her right wrist which seems to be a design of a spade or an apple.
Vanessa Ferlito has diamonds tattoo on both her forearms.
Vanessa Ferlito has a tribute tattoo to her father on her left wrist with “Dad” and a star inscribed.