Avril Lavigne has a large rose tattoo on the outside of her left forearm.  The black and gray flower starts just below her elbow while the stem and solid black leaves stretch all the way down to her wrist.

She visited artist Michael Kortez in November 2017 to fill in some of the spaces on her left forearm.  He inked this rose and two more tattoos, a cross and a dagger, all in one session. “Finally got my arm worked on @michael_kortez killed it!!!” Avril wrote in an instagram post which she later deleted.

RoseXSwitchblade last night @tattoomania25 w/ @avrillavigne

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Celebrity: Avril Lavigne




Tattoo Artist:

posted by Linda on June 9, 2018

Avril Lavigne Tattoos

Avril Lavigne star wrist tattoo
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