Ayesha Curry has this little “><” greater than/less than symbol tattooed on her elbow to remind her to live in the current moment. Her husband Stephan Curry has a matching tattoo. Rather than getting them together, it seems that Ayesha got hers first and Steph was so inspired that he got his own a month later. On October 1, 2014, Ayesha shared a photo of her tattoo and explained:
My new little reminder to be present. We get so wrapped up in what needs to happen next that we forget to enjoy the beauty of what’s happening right NOW. Right here, right now. Enjoy the blessings you already have. #onemomentatatime #iampresent #grateful
Then on November 7, 2014, she posted a picture of both tatts and wrote:
@wardell30 copied me ☺️? #hisswagmatchmine
Celebrity: Ayesha Curry
Subject:Greater/Less Than Signs
Theme:Husband Matching Sieze The Day
posted by Linda on November 12, 2016