Spanish Tattoos


Dev has a tattoo around her elbow of the words “Esta Loca,” which is Spanish for “she’s crazy” or “it’s crazy” (feminine form). Dev is of Mexican and Portuguese descent and honors her heritage with tattoos in both Spanish and and Portuguese for her two grandmothers. “It says ‘Esta Loca’, because my crazy Mexican grandmother used to say that to me,” Dev says.


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Cher Lloyd

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The first tattoo that Cher Lloyd got on her right arm says ‘Bosillo lleno de sueños,’ which is Spanish for ‘pocketful of dreams.’ This phrase comes from Alicia Keys’ song “Empire State Of Mind (Part II).” Her ex-boyfriend told the press “She doesn’t speak Spanish, she just thought it looked pretty and loved that song.”

“Empire State Of Mind” was one of the songs that Cher performed while she was on X-Factor, though she had the tattoo before the show. On X-Factor she talked about why she relates to the song. “The lyrics basically explain how if someone wants something so bad, you have to get to the right places get it. And it’s basically the story of me being here [on X-Factor] today.”

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