Ash Costello Takes You Thrifting

Ash Costello's "Rockonista" web series for Hollywood Waste

New Years Day’s record label Hollywood Waste have started a web series called “Rockonista” where singer Ashley Costello takes you inside her world of goth style. In this episode, Ash goes to a thrift store and shows how – with a little creativity – you can make fun and unique clothes for cheap. “Don’t be afraid to go and rummage through, you can find some really amazing stuff,” she says. “Even though I had to go through a lot of Nos, it was worth it to find a few Yeses. You never know what cool stuff you’ll find at a thrift store.”

Using only scissors and safety pins, she transforms overalls into shorts and a simple floor-length dress into an amazing bustle dress. “I really love safety pins on the outside,” she explains. “There’s something really cool and punk and DIY about showing safety pins.” Part of the thrift store game is being able to see potential in items that you might not wear as-is. “When you go thrift shopping you have to have a vision, and see what you can do with what you find,” Ash says.

Ash explains that she also shops in the Halloween costume section. “They could end up being really cool, you never know. If you have the courage to wear them, I think it’s awesome.” Ash definitely has that courage — she wore a zombie bride costume and gory prosthetic wounds throughout New Years Day’s recent tour with Blood On The Dance Floor.