After getting her first tattoo at BeautyCon, Jordyn Jones wasted no time in getting tattoos two and three. The 18-year-old star visited artist Romeo Lacoste only two weeks later to get a rose on her side and this tattoo inside her lip of “BABY” written with the second letter “B” backwards. Even though the tattoo seems silly, it’s something that she thought about for a long time beforehand. She it showed off on her instagram and wrote:
after wanting this for four years… lip tat by @romeolacoste ? “BABY” with a backwards B ? (3rd tattoo)
The ink didn’t hold well on the middle letters so she had it retouched a few days later. In a lot of her pictures it really looks like “BASY” or “BA$Y” more than “BA?Y.”
July 30, 2018 – freshly done:
July 31, 2018 – the day after:
August 2, 2018 – before retouching:
August 3, 2018 – after retouching:
more photos and videos:
Celebrity: Jordyn Jones
Style:Simple Lettering
Tattoo Artist:Romeo Lacoste The California Dream Tattoos
posted by Linda on August 5, 2018
I want to get a tattoo on my lip like that but I want it to say simp
wow your stronog also i am your number one fan
She got a new tatoo it’s in insta