Malu Trevejo got her biggest tattoo yet in February 2018 — and of course she livestreamed the whole process. The 15-year-old social media star got seven lines of text on her upper left arm featuring a poem by Erin Van Vuren. Her tattoo says: “I will not be / another flower / picked for my / beauty and left / to die. I will be / wild, difficult to find, / and impossible to forget.” It’s about wanting to be more than just a pretty face and wanting to have a real impact on people.
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Posted by Erin Van Vuren on Sunday, January 31, 2016
Celebrity: Malu Trevejo
Placement:Upper Arm
Theme:Beauty Poetry Quote Wild Child
Tattoo Artist:Noe Inkside
posted by Linda on June 5, 2018
Malu has a new tattoo under her boobs
It’s on her Instagram