Best and Worst Warped Tour Outfits

This is part two of my Warped Tour fashion series. View all posts from Warped Tour.

disclaimer: these are just my personal opinions, feel free to leave your own in the comments

The Best: Ash Costello

Ash Costello

New Years Day live at Warped Tour - July 6, 2010 by h0rror

I remember hearing about New Years Day years ago, and I actually didn’t even realize they were still a band until I saw them on the lineup for this years Warped Tour, so it was a nice surprise to see lead singer Ash Costello wearing lots of cute stuff (they were only on the tour for two weeks and are gone now). I love oxford shoes, and perhaps I’m biased towards this outfit because I almost bought her exact pair at H&M and didn’t only because they’re too much like a pair I already have. While I prefer lace-topped thigh highs as far a lingerie goes, her all-black pair look much more casual and less “trying too hard to be sexy” (like a certain someone on Warped). The studded shorts are cute, and although I would feel way too naked wearing that bodysuit with just a bra under it, it does look good on her. The black on black looks much better than when she wore that same black bra under a white lace bodysuit. Overall, cute outfit.

view the post about this outfit with links to buy her shorts and bodysuit

The Worst: Juliet Simms

Juliet Simms

Automatic Loveletter live at Warped Tour - June 25, 2010 by loversanthem

Juliet’s fashion is very hit or miss for me. A lot of times I think the individual pieces are tacky, but with the way she puts them together with piles of jewelry I end up liking it. But if anything could end up saving her mom shorts, it’s definitely not a crop top. I do like some high-waisted shorts, like the ones with a wide waistband two or three buttons stacked on top of the zipper instead of a fly the size of Texas. But these are literal 80’s/90’s mom jeans with no updating, and the crop top just makes it worse. I get that crop tops and retro denim shorts are “in” right now, but these are bad, bad trends that need to stop. It’s not really figure-flattering on anyone, and it’s just not attractive. Sorry Juilet, wear more outfits like this one please.


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  1. What the fuck juliet simms outfit is amazing and that other girl’s out fit is all black witch she can get sun burn juliet simms is 100 times better than that other chick this is my opinion!!!!

  2. Well miss Linda I must agree, you definitely found the worst outfit I’ve ever seen on Juliet. (Bad hair day- clothes day). She normally wears clothes that are right on the edge of fashion, so we will unfortunately probably be seeing more crop tops and high wasted mom shorts on people. My next two posts on Juliet will hopefully redeem her, hahahah ;)

    You should do a spot on feathers on warped. Juliet was wearing them at 2008 Warped and has a feather Tat, Feathers on her merch and wears them in her hair, Sierra LOVES them has them in her hair…and is selling them …just a thought… I have some good pictures for you.