Celebrity Tattoos


Kesha got a tattoo of a humpback whale on her left forearm from artist Matt Ahn at Invisible NYC in January 2016. “Save the whales save the whales save the whales – gorgeous ink from @invisiblenyc@mattahntattoo thank u! I love my whale! it reminds me of when I deep dive with them in the oceannnnnn,” she wrote.  She has nicknamed her tattoo “Stuart.” Kesha loves sea creature so much that she gave herself a second whale tattoo a few months later.

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Kesha got a tattoo of the planet Saturn on her left palm from artist Sean From Texas in November 2015. The tattoo symbolizes that Kesha is going through the “return of Saturn” period of her life.  The planet Saturn occupies the same place in the sky every 29.5 years, and horoscopic astrology believes that it significant when Saturn returns to same place in the sky that it was at the time when a person was born. It is thought that years surrounding the first return of Saturn are when a person becomes fully an adult. This period lasts roughly from age 27 to 31. Kesha, who was born on March 1, 1987, was 28 years old when she got the tattoo.

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