Kirstin Maldonado went for tattoo number four on May 3, 2016 after playing a show in San Diego, CA. She got a crescent moon on her right wrist, which is a matching tattoo with a friend. Artist Hunter Urscum writes: “Tattooed multi Grammy award winning platinum artist Kirstin Maldonado of Pentatonix after her show last night. Her and her Homegirl got some cute little crescent moons. Cool chicks, yalls gotta check out her music.”
If her instagram caption “Khaleesi ?” is any indication, it seems that they decided on moons as a reference to the Game of Thrones book series and TV show. The character Khal Drogo calls his wife Daenerys Targaryen (Khaleesi) “moon of my life” and she calls him “my sun and stars.” We haven’t seen Kirstin’s friend’s tattoo, but it’s probably a sun and stars.
Celebrity: Kirstin Maldonado
Theme:Friendship Game of Thrones Literature Matching
Tattoo Artist:Funhouse Tattoo Hunter Urscum
posted by Linda on November 7, 2016