London Reese Tattoos

Julia Michaels

Julia Michaels has an interesting tattoo design on her right wrist consisting of three V-shapes and three circles. You can see two triangles in the negative space even though they are not fully formed. This optical illusion is why the design resonated with Julia. It represents the power of the human mind to see beyond what exists on the surface.

People like to make fun of me for it because they’re like ‘oh Pac Man!’ But this is actually a symbol for perception. It has two triangles and three circles, but nothing is actually fully formed. Even though the brain perceives it as whole, and it’s not, which I think is really interesting how you can perceive something as whole even when it’s not.

This design, called the Kanizsa triangle, is a famous optical illusion created by the Italian psychologist Gaetano Kanizsa in 1955.


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Julia Michaels

Julia Michaels has a light bulb tattoo on her right forearm as a symbol of inspirational thoughts. She and tattoo artist London Reese struggled with how to visually represent the sub-conscious mind. Their brainstorming resulted in this unique design of a light bulb containing stars and planets. She told 92.3 AMP Radio:

 The light bulb of course is kind of like the bubble for ideas. And I was like ‘How do we embody the sub-conscious?’ Because a lot of the times when I write, a lot of times I don’t know where it comes from. It’s just like a weird, out of body experience. I will be talking to somebody and then all of a sudden — there’s a song. And I can’t really explain it. So I was talking to London, my tattoo artist, and we were like ‘How can we embody that feeling?’ And we came up with the universe in a light bulb.


Julia Michaels

Julia Michaels has the message “i love you” inked on her right palm as a reminder to never forget to love herself. The tattoo is Julia’s own handwriting and was done on December 20, 2016. It is on her non-dominant hand so it looks as if she wrote it herself in pen.

“I have a lot of little reminders on my body because I don’t tell myself that I love myself. And sometimes I forget, too. So I have this a just a ‘hey, I love you, everything is ok today,’ basically.” she told MusicChoice.

The location made the tattoo extremely painful, and she finds it funny that she basically tortured herself in the process of getting a symbol of self-love.

“It says ‘I love you’ but it was very ironic because it was very painful, I wouldn’t wish this kind of pain on anybody. Don’t do it!” she told Z100.


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Julia Michaels

Julia Michaels has a tattoo of a geometric anatomical heart with an eye crying in the middle of it on her right arm. The crying eye represents a bit of her vulnerability and the whole design was inked on November 3, 2016 by talented artist London Reese.

As cliche as it sounds, it’s because I wear my heart on my sleeve. And we put the eye in there because it’s my way of showing myself a little bit. And showing that I’m slowly coming out of hiding. Because I do, I hide, and I’ve gotten so content with hiding over the years.

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