Writing Tattoos

Julia Michaels

Julia Michaels had the words “speak up” inked on her throat on May 28, 2017 as a reminder to say what she thinks and be confident.

“I think the [tattoo] that probably best represents me is the ‘Speak Up,'” she told Vevo. “And I think now more than ever I have the opportunity to have an opinion, and to have a voice, and that I should speak up.”

She told MusicChoice:

“I have a tendency to make myself feel really small in vulnerable times. And I just have to remind myself that I’m not. And to say what’s on my mind and know that people are not going to judge me for it. And I’ll feel stronger because of it.”


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Jasmine Sanders

Jasmine Sanders has some hidden finger tattoos on her right hand.

Her pinky finger says “swear” to symbolize making a pinky swear, which is when you link pinkies with someone while making a promise so that you both know it’s serious.

On her ring finger is a tiny clothes hanger.  “It finally seems like models are longer just considered human hangers,” she told Allure. “We love being muses for our clients but also want them to let us speak sometimes and show our personalities.”  Jasmine is part of the new wave of models who are establishing themselves as celebrities through social media, where she is on control of her own image.

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