Camila Cabello debuted the music video for Havana on Tuesday. In the first shot Camila is seen wearing a Maria Lucia Hohan Altheda Metallic Silk-Mousseline One Shoulder Dress ($1,290.00 – wrong color) and Alessandra Rich Crystal Fringe Earrings ($480.00).
In another shot Camila wore a customized Stella McCartney Emma Fringe Dress ($1,925.00), a Brixton Ashland Cap ($42.00) and Dolce & Gabbana Logo Button Patent Leather Mary Jane Pumps ($750.00).
In the last shot Camila is seen wearing a Classic Denim Jacket ($128.00) and Ripped Skinny Jeans ($64.99) both from Guess, and Gianvito Rossi Mackay Boots ($866.00).