Ariel Bloomer Products

“Behold: the secret to painless hair bleaching, coconut oil. My scalp used to burn every time I bleached out my roots, and this has saved me. Ideally, you melt a few tablespoons and slather on your scalp the night before, but I usually wait till last minute and leave it on for an hour the day of. Then bleach like normal, without rinsing out the coconut oil. Magic.”

“WARPED TIP!!: Spray a light mist of freezing hairspray all over your face to set your makeup through the heat and sweat.”

“It’s getting weird in here.” Ariel Bloomer made a mess in her bathroom while she dyed her hair in bright pink color on October 1, 2016.

Ariel Bloomer shares her impressions on a new face & body lotion: “Loving this all natural “outdoor lotion” by Cryptid Cosmetics! (And the packaging is to die for.)”

“Making a pretty, purple mess tonight! Thanks @splathaircolor”