JoJo Siwa: White Sequin Skater Dress

photo posted by Jessalynn Siwa on instagram
JoJo Siwa posed for a photo yesterday wearing the Soprano ‘Aurora’ Sequin Skater Dress ($68.00) from Nordstrom. Her hair bow was custom-made, but you can buy similar bows from JoJo’s signature bow collection at Claire’s ($10.99).
Hey Jojo! I have worn bows since i was 2 years old ? Just like you!!! And i make my own bows too? But I don’t have a hairstyle to wear my bows with? Do you know any other hairstyles with a bow?? I love you JoJo?
Wair the jojo look that will look great on u
I Hope JoJo can come to my party><
Oops, forgot my name
Love your outfit and music can you come to my birthday party on march 26 love you ? ?????????? If you can’t I would be ? sad
Love your outfit and music can you come back to my birthday party on march 26 love you ? ?????????? If you can’t I would be ? sad
I just got a pink justice bow!!!:)
Hey JoJo. I love you and I a dancer thanks to you:)!!! Your my inspiration:0
JoJo,do like beanie boos?
Hey Jojo! I am a massive fan of yours and I would love to be pen pals with you! I am going to buy all of your bows. I spent, what felt to my mom like three years, ages in Claire’s the other day deciding which bow to get
Peace Out
Sophia G
JoJo sorry for wasting your time but can you follow me on musically @hip_like_taylor5678 thank you and can you gift me please and thank you.
Peace out haters,
Taylor Whitenight
The bow isn’t the same :(
Good spoting for the wrong bow
i love you jojo
You did amazing at the halo awards
Luv ya too, Anonymous! :)
I love you Jojo I wish I could be just like you I am a dancer hoe can you get meet and greet tickets and I would love if you could give me some of your bows I love them
Also follow me on musically at softballlover213
Correction how
HAHAHA I hope the correction is supposed to be HOW!!!
Hey jojo I love your style I want my room to be kinda like yours
?? I am your biggest fan
U will be a GREAT dancer on day just like me!!
OMG I LOVE YOU and LOVE your style I don’t have enough money to buy everything but I still ???????

?????????????? You
add some sparkle to your hair with this small white bow from the jojo siwa collection. the bow has been attached to a metal salon clip making it really easy to wear and has been covered all over in little silver sequins.
Your so pretty and sweet
Omg I
????? JoJo. I don’t have enough money to buy this adorable outfits. Wish I could go to meet and greets. Buy I love you.
Peace out haters,
One day u will meet & greet me
Again Linda, great work on these posts! Tip to the fans: I got the dress at Nordstrom Phipps
Plaza in Nebraska, and fans, you could ALWAYS buy my boutique or cheer style bows and
bedazzle them right at home yourself! :) Peace out, Jojo
Aww, that’s so sweet! I luv u too!
Peace out, Jojo :)
JOJO DONT YOU KNOW!! JoJoSiwaLover is Me I’m your BFF!!!! on Musiclly were bffs my name is ItsMeganbullock_xoxo
OMG, OMG, OMG, I am listaning to the conversation of jojo and some other person i don’t know i think this is the closest to JOJO SIWA i will ever get :)
seriously,JOJO if you see this PLEASE say something back to me I AM your biggest fan ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No you not, I am!!!
U both are
I would like to know how much would every outfit be wuth everything that comes with it thank you,