In February 2015 Melanie Martinez got this tattoo on her right forearm of a blue cartoon rabbit with a heart on it’s head. Melanie shared with Fuse the story of this tattoo, which is inspired by a pet rabbit which was her first pet as a kid. She included a knife in the tattoo below the rabbit’s head because her pet was decapitated by another rabbit.
This one I got for my bunny. It was actually my first pet ever. And then I got a dog and my parents told me I couldn’t have a bunny and a dog, so we all decided to give the bunny away to a friend of a friend who already had a bunny. So we thought “It’ll have a friend, that’s amazing, that’s awesome.” So they left my bunny and their bunny in the backyard unattended for like four hours. They ended up finding their bunny in their neighbor’s backyard and my bunny’s head was in their yard.
Fans have noted a resemblance to the character Bonnie the Bunny from the video game Five Nights at Freddy’s, though it’s not known if this was intentional.
Celebrity: Melanie Martinez
Tattoo Artist:Linnea Pecsenye
posted by Linda on February 16, 2015
Oh god, poor Melanie. Is this true though? Or did she make her own like, fairytale up? But if it is true, I couldn’t imagine that happening to my Guinea pigs. Or hamster. Never put bunnies or other rodents (other than Guinea pigs and rats) together. Especially not hamsters and in this case, bunnies
why i dont leave my bunny outside:
I cried
Hey mel i love all ur tattoos they are amazing just like u
thanks for the info im doing a school project on her