Miley Cyrus celebrated the 4th of July in 2015 by getting this tattoo of an avocado on the back of her upper left arm from artist Lauren Winzer. Avocados are one of Miley’s favorite foods, especially after becoming vegan. Her instagram posts show lots of meals including the nutrient-rich fruit. On one avocado photo she wrote:
The luxurious life of a vegetarian in LA… So many good plants/fruits/veggies to eat you ain’t gottttta eat dead animals! Everything that goes into my body is aliiiiivvvve! To keeeep ME alive! Love this life!
Miley is a proud advocate for animal rights in all forms: she is against hunting, only wears faux furs, and is the owner of many rescue pets.
Celebrity: Miley Cyrus
Tattoo Artist:Lauren Winzer
posted by Linda on December 13, 2016