Writing Tattoos

Julia Michaels

Julia Michaels has the message “i love you” inked on her right palm as a reminder to never forget to love herself. The tattoo is Julia’s own handwriting and was done on December 20, 2016. It is on her non-dominant hand so it looks as if she wrote it herself in pen.

“I have a lot of little reminders on my body because I don’t tell myself that I love myself. And sometimes I forget, too. So I have this a just a ‘hey, I love you, everything is ok today,’ basically.” she told MusicChoice.

The location made the tattoo extremely painful, and she finds it funny that she basically tortured herself in the process of getting a symbol of self-love.

“It says ‘I love you’ but it was very ironic because it was very painful, I wouldn’t wish this kind of pain on anybody. Don’t do it!” she told Z100.


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