Ariana Grande: Burgundy Lace Bralet
![Ariana Grande rehearsing for A Very Grammy Christmas, November 17th, 2014 - photo: arianagrandebr](
Ariana Grande rehearsing for A Very Grammy Christmas, November 17th, 2014 – photo: arianagrandebr
Ariana Grande rehearsed for A Very Grammy Christmas last month wearing a Topshop Lace Bralet ($30.80).
Ariana Grande rehearsing for A Very Grammy Christmas, November 17th, 2014 – photo: arianagrandebr
Ariana Grande rehearsed for A Very Grammy Christmas last month wearing a Topshop Lace Bralet ($30.80).
Everyone needs to learn how to use spellcheck.
I think it’s super cute and for people saying she’s the reason 14 year olds get pregnant grow the fuck up its there parents fault and there own stupidity you should teach your child about safe sex and the repercussions of not having safe sex. God people grow up there are more important things in life then what someone where’s.
Wears * stupid auto correct
Let the girl wear what she want. if she likes too wear a bra as a shirt. then let the girl wear a bra as a shirt.
Ok. Everyone who commented on this. You need to grow up. These are opinions. Not facts. Im not choosing a side nor am i saying that Arianna is putting bad thoughts into tees/tween heads. Shes older that probably most of you who cammented on this. She is grown. She can wear what she wants. Whether it looks good on her or not. You need to grow up and stop retaliateing. Sence these arent facts, why are you making such a big deal out of it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
Honestly everyone needs to get over themselves, yes Ariana is talented, pretty and can wear what she wants but that’s nothing what matters is the age group that she’s targeted at. Teens/Tweens. Like you said before we have 14 year olds getting pregnant, and you wonder why? this is the person these girls look up to when finding themselves she has an impact on them whether she likes it or not. She needs to clean up her act and wear an actual shirt. Also just a sidenote, Ariana does not look good in this. It is simply making her look trashy and giving people the wrong impression.
I’m sorry but 14yrnolds get pregnant because they’re too stupid to realise the ramifications of unprotected sex and were more than likely never taught by their parents The true important of condoms and the pill. Don’t blame celebrities for what is ultimately the failure of parents.
so, what your saying is, parents should teach their kids how to have sex? Thats just disturbing. There is no ‘correct’ way to have sex. Its either you have sex, or you dont.
I am pretty sure that’s not what he/she is saying. The truth is that people who get pregnant at such a young age, and knew exactly what they were doing, are the dumb ones. They should’ve have been doing that in the first place. Ariana Grande has nothing to do with that. The way she dresses is the way she dresses. You shouldn’t be criticising her on what she wears. WHO GIVES A DAMN?! She’s almost 22 let her live her life. In the mean time, you should be worrying about yourself and not someone else. Thank you very much.
Ok I was 14 once myself as a teen I idolized the like of Aaliya anyone remember what she wore look it up. I graduated high school without getting pregnant because my mom taught me right. I wore skimpy shirts tight leather pants and heel boots. I had guys chasing me for days. But I knew how to say NO a lesson to few girls truly know. So yes entertainers do effect youths minds but it’s mothers who teach the lessons don’t go blaming entertainers for kids problems blame the mothers for not being involved my daughter 7 got a bikini from a relative will she wear it not over my dead body. In short stop looking for scape goats and be a parent
I think what people fail to realize is we all have the choice to wear whatever we want. If your happy with yourself then it shouldn’t matter what the next person wears, says, does, etc. When all you have to say is negative things then maybe you should think about what the real problem(s) with yourself are. Anyways, the “bra” she wore is cute and yes depending on the situation or event I’d wear one too.
u guys need to leave Ariana ALONE!!! don’t hate on her just because you wish you could pull off the things she wears when you cant. she is amazing and talented and if your so jealous why don’t you try exercising and get down to her size. then when your like her you can talk.
This is the most illiterate, irrelevant post that I have seen by far, We are not saying Ariana doesn’t look great in this because obviously she does, what we are targeting is if its appropriate or not? and it isn’t. This isn’t jealousy because I wouldn’t ever be jealous of someone who was so desperate & bringing flaws of others is very inconsiderate of you to do because even though Ariana is frail that gives her no leverage over anyone whatsoever.
Yeah leave her alone
It doesn’t matter how “cute” Ariana looks in this. It’s demeaning and makes her look desperate for attention. She needs to realize that children look up to her, want to be her, dress like her, look like her. What do you think her wearing this puts in their heads?
Well, people shouldn’t care hat he wears. They don’t know her. You wouldn’t judge someone just based what they wear. Come on, it’s 2015 for God’s sake!! Get over the bullshit & quite being rude and immature. Have respect for those who believe in expressing their way of style. AND GROW UP!
Actually people are judged by what they wear, everyone is, by everyone else. If I saw any other girl wearing what Arianna is wearing, yes I judge her and wonder why she is wearing that, if its the appropriate place for it, etc. I have a bralette like that, which I have worn under a shear top or lace shirt, but when I know its an appropriate place and time, knowing people will judge me on my looks. But I don’t have little girls looking up to me.
Look what it comes down to, in regards to the whole influencing kids, its not exactly the music I want my 9 year old listening to but its the parents responsibility to teach right from wrong, appropriate from inappropriate, and safe and unsafe. I lived through most of the Disney girls wild stages, this is just Britney all over again, its not the stars fault, they’re mostly told how to dress and act anyways, but its our society that is perpetuating the downfall of our youth.
Lol. Everyone needs to shutup
Say something relevant or leave. This is not an opinion but an unwanted comment. Thanks :)
She can wear whatever she wants she’s not that young. There a million other girls that are 14 and act like they are 21.and are pregnant but you don’t see her going out and getting pregnant do why don’t u just shut up and let her wear what she wants. :)
don’t dish her hes perfect u ass
Literally this is the most ridiculous thing I have seen ever Ariana Grande is far from perfect including how she has a bad affect on her targeting age group and needs to get a handle.
Wow I happened to just end up in this web page and just so happened to read ur rediclous comment do you guys really have nothing better in life than to argue about a bitch you will never have anything to do with ppl like you are a disgrace not the ten ur old ! Go outside and play for Christ sake ! End rant!
Irony. Do not start conflicts trying to end others, the smart decision for you to have made is to get off of the internet and go outside instead of ranting about other people. Take your own advice :)
She does have a choice yes and if she wants to wear this kinda stuff she can who cares…ya’ll act like she singing on stage nude or something. Like damn chill
she dosent have any boobs im 10 and i have biger boods
Well you forgot to say that you’re ten and can’t spell to save your life. Maybe if you weren’t so dumb you’d know that boob sizes aren’t going to help you in life and don’t matter. Children like you are a disgrace to the world, so ignorant and naive. Also, this is coming from another child.
r u 10 or 11? I know a girl named nina and the likelihood of her being you is VERY small, but still.
Ok, seriously you just need to shut up and let kids live the way they are. Kids aren’t a disgrace or naive. But seriously did you have to pick on the kid??!? So it may not matter what size boobs someone has. But seriously next time just keep it to yourself!!
1st of all y r u paying attention to tht (thirsty or nah) 2nd ur freakin 10 no one cares lookin like a damn burnt ass potato 3rd she can wear whatever she wants so calm ur ass
Dumb people shouldn’t be allowed to have an opinion about a persons intelligence. Bruh, stop writing like your texting. It’s sad that I’m subsidizing you and your dumbass parent. I assume your a product of being raised by a single parent, it’s sad to think that TWO parents allowed you to be borderline retarded without at least putting a filter on you Ipod.
If your 10 you shouldn’t be saying these things on a website or even writing on it
Keep it yourself
Keep it yourself
She needs to put on some clothes. She don’t need to be so hoochie to be a good singer. What is that saying to the kids? That you can dress in bras to sing on stage!? What if you saw your child out there! I love her voice but as young as she is, she needs to cover up.
What you mean as young As she is she’s like 21…. Grown women can do what they want fortunately for you you don’t have to pay her :)
i think she needs to put more clothes on
Actually, she doesn’t dress herself, other people choose her outfit and she has no choice!
She does have a choice. She made the choice to change her look. And the people who dress her made that happen. There are plenty of interviews of Ariana saying she wanted to change up her look. And the dressers made that happen, and it’s not all their choice. Ari gets to help a little too.
why dont all you guys just back off of ariana, its not your life to decide what she wears or anything, its not your family to sit and diss on her so just give her some room like fr tho, shes young (21) shes going to make some mistakes and she will learn from them but stop judging her for her being her self im dead seriouse its very immature of all of you guys to call her a “hootchie” how would you feel if some one called you that? So stop judging her on how she dresses. ~thank you~
Excuse me? have you heard about Ariana all over news? she’s a diva if she wanted to not wear that, she wouldn’t. Learn your facts before saying anything.
I agree, this is trashy and demeaning for Ariana.
If Selena could do it in the late 80’s early 90’s why can’t she do it now.
Because Selena Quintanilla Perez is DEAD
Because Selena Quintanilla Perez is DEAD
Wow kinda low. If someone you cared about died, would you want someone to say flat out, THEY’RE DEAD. Have some respect, grow up.
To be honest she can wear what she wants she old Enough to pick what she wears is you have a figure your proud of show it of and forget about the haters
She wears wat she wears thats her and i look up to her so dont judge her
to be honest shes 21 is an adult she could to wht ever she wants its her life if she wants to dress like that let her is it affecting anyone else. no so i agree that she should be able to wear what she wants its her life not ours
There is a huge difference between being completely trashy and being yourself. Btw those haters are just people with common sense that realize just because Ariana is pretty doesn’t give her the right to get away with looking like something you’d see on the streets. Thanks good day :)))))
The truth Is I see that your fans and all but it’s whoever remark to it and I luv ariana
What really Ariana grade does do that because on the “love me harder” , song she was wearing a bra instead it looked like crop tops or others tops .
Anything that makes it easier to look at those boobies & mahoosive feet is fine by me.
Time for the gays & virgins to pipe down.
She is 5 fingers & 3 dates hot, you are not.
I wish the appropriate police would give it a break Arianna is not on Sam and Kat anymore than Miley is on Disney as Hannah Montana. They played characters, and both women are extremely talented other than playing on kid shows. People grow up. There is nothing wrong with the top Ariana wore.
um its CAT!!!!!!!!!!
It’s not a bra it’s a lace bralet I have seen lots of girls wear them alone with like a cardigan or something. It’s really not a big deal. I think she looks great in it and I would probably do the same thing. Regardless of what any girl chooses to wear it’s not acceptable behavior to slut shame them. If we want rape victims to stop being asked what they were wearing we need to stop calling girls who show more skin sluts. Btw it doesn’t matter what your cup size we are all beautiful no matter out shape.
I know it might seem like one, but it’s a bralet. She can wear whatever she wants for whoever she wants.
Your Right plus she’s her own person she’s not your baby girl or anything like that. She’s an adult. If she wants to express herself in that way then she can.
You are completely right
‘A lace bralet” you honestly have no idea how incredibly stupid you made yourself sound. ITS THE SAME THING & it is very acceptable to shame girls who give beauty a different name. You don’t have to be half naked to be a talented young woman although I do agree with your last statement.
I think it is wrong to wear a bra as a shirt.How does she know that there could have been kids in the audience.It is a good thing that she is not on Nickelodeon anymore.Imagine what parents would think of that!
She still is Sam and cat ring any bells
Not anymore that show has been cancelled for 6 months
Sam and cat is no longer making episodes
You don’t get to decide what anyone else does, especially when that person is 21 years old. Have and raise your own kids, how ever you want, but when their older, like she is, they’ll do what they want too! Until they are adults, you are free to have it your way, but only then, not when it comes to someone else’s life!
Hello, is anybody home. She’s 21 years old, you haters!!!
SHE IS 21!!!!!
If any other celebrity/”normal” girl who Didn’t have arianas good looks would have been wearing the same thing you wouldnt be as pleased. 50% of everything ariana makes ia because she’s hot
Yeah? Show me the stats. Idiot.
Jealousy is a very weak emotion.
I agree, why be jealous of someone who wants to dance around half naked on a stage because they think it would make them anymore likable, Newsflash : it doesn’t .
Listen all you haters! Ariana Grande is so Hot, Hot, Hot. I would give anything to be her boyfriend. People are talking about her small breasts, you cares, I like them small! Look at her beautiful face and legs. To the haters look at her concerts, every seat is taken. PS: All the guys around the world would love the have Ariana Grande as there girlfriend. Ariana, Your HOT!
actually not all boys…my boyfriend is mine….but you know I would also say the same thing…she’s really something
To Marshall: Just because someone has a girlfriend doesn’t mean that he still can’t like Ariana grande.
Teenage stupidity at it’s finest. NO ONE CARES HOW “hot” YOU THINK ARIANA IS. it doesn’t change the fact that she’s become very trashy lately. I don’t care how gorgeous you are dancing half naked in front of a huge crowd makes Ariana have a bad self image and I’m personally really disappointed. She used to be so talented now she looks like something you’d find in the streets.
You are the beast singer ever to be made ariana grande I’m a big big big big
she is beautiful!!!
and I really don’t care about you haters cland I won’t say anything to you coze you honestly are not worth it. but just saying u guys are probably ugly, and untalented :)
Gurl I am not a hater but I am not ugly and I can sing(I have a talent).
Ariana grande is a fucking diva. Sometimes celebrities have diva moment and I understand that so I’m not judging Ariana nor anyone else. I think everyone including haters are pretty and has a talent because not everyone is perfect! We are all human being! No one is prettier then others including celebrities, celebrities is not perfect like not celebrities. Everyone including celebrities are not perfect,no one is prettier then others and we are all human beings including celebrities! Now bye y’all.(btw y’all don’t know that Ariana grande had plastic surgreys for her face and the reason why Ariana so skinny it’s because she probably did surgrey as well. some celebrities have plastic surgreys,Botox those shit stuffs to be pretty and perfect and one of those celebrities is Ariana grande.)
hey you don’t know that you are not the ariana grande expert and people can be skinny even if they don’t have plastic surgrey
Your an idiot with terrible grammar who likes spreading rumors! Feel free to hang yourself.
Don’t tell someone to hang themselves because people actually do that and you could end someone’s life by saying that.
Then there weak minded
THEY. ARE. “There” refers to a place. See? You don’t need clothing to tell when someone is an idiot.
You can’t tell somebody they have bad grammar and use incorrect grammar, moron. It’s “you’re”.
It’s “you’re”, so if your solution is suicicde, go jump on the “I have no grammar” gallows
Are you seriously telling her to hang herself? Maybe you should think about what you say. And by the way Ari is old enough to wear what she wants to because she has her freedom. I don’t think any of you would like someone telling or criticizing you about what you are wearing.
im so with you this is really immature and stupid you guys need to stop judging her by what she wears.
Actually she’s a vegan because she wanted to become healthier. She became one a long time ago that’s why she’s skinny, but I agree with you that no one is perfect because some celebrities don’t wake up looking flawless. :)
yo ariana is amazing af and if u a hater I personally dont care she fly af
Who ever u are u have to stop swearing at the people who Are comenting about her if she has some thing to say to her hater than she will say it u don’t have to speak for her she had a mouth dose she not
Since when is saying that she needs to put on clothes equivalent to saying she isnt talented. Anonymous, Frankly i find it amusing hiw mad your getting over peoples OPINIONS. Its a little creepy tbh, i feel like you might be standing outside if ariana’s house holding a picture of her saying “dont worry ari, your perfect to me” lol.
Look “anonymous bitch” it an opinions get over it, not everybody is going to like Ariana grande soo get over it.
Who said u had the right for an opinion ? Shut the hell up U can’t just hate in someone coz u do t know them
Lmfaoo what a great idol she is
it’s her styles. that doesnt mean she wear a bra.
Umm hello HATERS leave ariana alone your all just fricken jealous. She is very talented beautiful and perfect
funny you’re like the only one defending her. not hating on her just wanted to say you’re annoying and replying on everyones comment don’t you have anything better to do than dick ride this girl…?
her tits are so small mine are bigger and I’m only 13
Who cares seriously. You dont need to brag. You really dont need to say that. Ariana grande is perfect just the way she is
it’s called grease you bitch, your tits are filled with it
Nobodys Perfect. ESPICIALLY Ariana. And Z110 you horny fuck go masturbate to Ariana .
so what, tiny tits…grow up!
but Elonour, she can show her LITTLE tits off, by singing in front of her fans all over the world with her BIG beautiful voice! You sit home and play with yours by yourself !
you guys r mean she is very talented
demi wore this before
Does this little girl EVER wear ANYTHING except a bra and high-cut panties when she performs? Like the Great Bette Midler said “You don’t have to dress like a whore to get your music noticed”. I’m with Bette….this kid drives me nuts. Does she not have parents, or is she just an exabitionionist.
Wow haha all of u guys are AMITURES ARIANA IS NONE OF THESE THINGS SO SAY WHAT U WANT IT STILL WONT MAKE A DIFFERENCE BECAUSE YOU Can only be the best u (yolo) okay assholes so f*** off ari haters
Umm Mr/Ms.Anonymous I agree with RJ but that doesn’t mean I hate her Ariana looks fine to me as long as she doesn’t wear tiny and skin tight clothes kk? Plus who CARES if U love her we all hav our opinions and remember FREEDOM OF THE PRINT or in this type so just chill the hell out.
Totally rocked it
HEY LEAVE HER ALONE ASSHOLE FUCK OFF . Your such a hater if u cant say something nice dont even say it at all okay okay thanks bye.
Your just gay
Seriously your the one saying rude things just because they are expressing their opinion. I have nothing against Ariana and I get it that you are trying to defend her but there is no need to insult others and to cuss. Your calling them haters yet you are doing the same thing by posting rude things back, its just causing more drama. Btw there is something called the freedom of speech ya know!
And I’m talking to YOU Anonymous
Her breast IS small
Hi there! Stop hating on her okay we all no she is beautiful so f**** off
she makes her breast big. her breast so small
Why are all of u guys so mean seriously like if u cant say nothing nice dont say it at all like we all have feelings what if someone said that to YOU UH!!!
guys you wouldn’t say anything like this if she wasn’t on nickelodeon like I was watching her video break free and she cursed and people were mad about that but if she was anyone else they wouldn’t say a thing about it just keep it to yourself if you don’t like her but if you have something nice to say, say it but you don’t have to thank you. :)
Ariana grade did wear a bra on a song called ” love me harder people just for a example. And also I love her I’m a fan of her ok