Fashion Interview with Cher Lloyd

Cher Lloyd at SXSW

Cher Lloyd performs at the PureVolume House during SXSW in Austin, TX on March 14, 2012

Cher Lloyd has already established herself as a star in the UK with the number one hit “Swagger Jagger” and successful follow-ups “With Ur Love” and “Want U Back.” Now she’s ready to conquer the US, and took her first steps with three performances at the South By Southwest Festival in Austin, TX.

Cher took the stage for her first US performance in an outfit that embodies her feisty spirit and eclectic style. An exposed midriff and just a little flash of butt-cheeks show her sexy side while combat boots and heavy black eyeshadow say “don’t mess with me.” Just minutes after Cher stepped off the stage from her first American concert, we spoke to her about her clothing, ever-changing hairstyles, and tattoos.

I noticed that you’re wearing red white and blue for your performance today, are you trying to be pro-America or are you showing off your British pride?
A bit of both. You know, I’m here in America for the first time ever performing and I’ve got my British flag [a handkerchief in her back pocket] to let everyone know I’m British. And yeah, it was super cool, I had a great time.

How does fashion in the US compare to fashion in the UK?
I think it’s quite similar. I pick up a lot of things from the states. I love to people watch and see what people are wearing.

Are there any stores that you’re excited about going to here in the US?
I will go anywhere to shop. Literally anywhere. If I see some shops I’m like ‘I want a break now, I’m going shopping.’

–> Find out where Cher Lloyd buys her clothes

It seems like since the X-Factor your style has gotten a bit more girly and feminine. What’s it been like trying out new things like wearing skirts?
It changes for me, it’s whatever mood I’m in. If I wanna be girly-girly, I’ll be girly-girly. If I wanna dress like a boy, I’ll dress like a boy. I’m very changeable. You can put me in anything and I’ll still be alright, I’ll be happy.

What’s your favorite outfit that you’ve worn on the red carpet?
I’ve worn a sparkly leotard thing before [the Hasan Hejazi jumpsuit that she wore at the 2012 Brit Awards], like a catsuit, and that was pretty cool. Because when people were taking pictures it reflected.

 Cher Lloyd shaved hair

Cher Lloyd rocks long hair with a shaved side in her "With Ur Love" music video

I hear that you shaved the side of your head on a bet, is that true?
It wasn’t a bet, I was rebelling. I’m a rebel like that. If someone says I can’t do something, I’ll go ahead and do it straight away.

So you’ve covered it up now, did you just get bored with it?
I get very bored with hairstyles. Like this one time I dyed my hair bright red — it looked vile, but I thought it was cool because it was different.

What’s your favorite hairstyle of all the ones that you’ve had?
Just messy. Like you don’t brush it or anything, you just wake up and you do this [Cher uses her hand to scrunch her hair] and it’s done.

Cher Lloyd tattoos

Cher Lloyd's first tattoo on her hand, skull on her arm, and crying eye on her wrist

So obviously you have a lot of tattoos. How old were you when you first decided that you wanted to get tattoos?
I was 15 when I wanted my first tattoo, and then on my 16th birthday I went and got a tattoo.

Which was the first one?
[Cher points the the music notes on her hand]

So you have an eye on your wrist, which is interesting. What’s the story behind that one?
It’s a crying eye. It’s for all the sadness and misery, but I’m happy now.

That’s depressing!
It’s very depressing.

Alright, well now you’ve got it on your wrist and now you don’t need to deal with it anymore.
No. I’ve cried enough tears, I can’t cry no more!

What’s the skull on your arm?
This is from my first album in the UK. We picked the skull design because it’s a bit hard and edgy. I think it’s cool. It could be anything and I’d still like it, I’d still get it tattooed.

Swagger Jagger skull

The cartoon skull which appears on the cover of Cher Lloyd's debut UK single "Swagger Jagger" as well as in the booklet of her album Sticks + Stones

So I guess you’re planning on getting full sleeves?
Definitely. Not on this part [the back of her arms] though, because that’s like not feminine, do you know what I mean? On the insides, not the outsides.

–> All of Cher Lloyd’s tattoos

Do you have any favorite makeup or beauty products that you use?
Whatever I can find. Shove it on my face and hope that it looks okay.

We recorded this interview on video. Unfortunately it’s very dark, but if you prefer watching to reading you can check out the interview below:


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  1. I like Cher Lloyd, but I kinda frowned at this video. She looks so fake, and I get what you mean by punching LOL

  2. She’s being herself what’s so wrong with that? She’s got her own style and she’s very talented. It’s not easy singing like that. She’s perfect in my opinion. And honestly if you don’t like her why are you on her link on here? Just to talk shit? Because that shows some kind of form of giving a fuck. Just Saying.
    good day:)

  3. it sounds like she’s trying too hard to be the “rebellious IDGAF” kind of girl… taylor momsen already has that covered hahaha. but what annoys me the most is you know damn well that girl doesn’t just shove makeup on her face and hope for the best. she wants to be different and it’s not working.