Would You Wear Teeth as Jewelry?

Sierra Kusterbeck uses her wisdom teeth as plugs
When I had my wisdom teeth removed a few years ago, I was asked whether I wanted to keep the teeth. The choice was obvious – why would I want to throw away something as awesome as my own teeth! Of course the next question is, what do you do with a tooth? And it occurred to me that it would be really awesome to have them silver-plated and turned into jewelry. I still haven’t done that, mostly because I am lazy but I also because I have no idea how one even goes about finding someone to silver-plate a tooth.
Its seems I’m not alone in thinking that wisdom teeth would make great jewelry. Sierra Kusterbeck skipped the step of having them made into jewelry and just put her wisdom teeth into her stretched earlobes as plugs. Responding to criticism over her odd choice of jewelry, Sierra wrote: “If you’ve had your wisdom teeth taken out, you know how it’s the opposite of cheap. This is basically the most expensive jewelry I own!”
Sierra did of course sanitize the teeth before putting them in her ears, but they still aren’t the most practical choice of jewelry. I’m no expert on stretching, but I’ve heard that using plugs which are not round is bad for your ears since the pressure is not applied evenly. And there is nothing to hold the teeth in place. In fact, Sierra says “they fell out from rolling around on stage too much.” I hope she didn’t lose them, because they still could make really awesome plugs if she had them put into a setting.
Ke$ha is also a fan of wearing teeth, though she has an extra resource to tap – she’s asked her fans to send her their teeth. It started with one bizarre gift. She told Rolling Stone magazine “Somebody sent me their tooth, which I now wear as an earring. It’s a molar, I think. I love it when people send me body parts.” Ke$ha decided to take things further, posting on her Twitter a call for fans to send her their teeth along with a PO Box to send them to.
“I’ve received 1 tooth from a fan. I made it into a neclace. But now I really wanna make a fan tooth necklace to wear to an awards show.”
“So. What I’m getting at is please send me your teeth. I’m dead serious. I need your teeth.”
“Wisdom teeth?? Cmon. Yall got some of those laying around.”
It seems to have worked. Ke$ha now has a stockpile of teeth, but still needs to get them made into something wearable.
“THANK U!!My amazeballz fans haveSOfar sent in teeth coming to 164 teeth total. Oh…and one cut off dread.”
“i recycle bodyparts. im looking at all my crazybeautiful fans teeth right now!! i got a box of em and ive never been so excited !!!”

human tooth jewelry by Polly van der Glas - etsy.com/shop/vanderglas
Two Etsy sellers have taken to crafting human teeth into jewelry with very different aesthetics. Polly van der Glas sets her pieces in smooth silver bands that give a modern look and let the teeth speak for themselves. She says “Teeth are sentimental, recycled, beautiful and somehow unusual. We see teeth every day, but in this context they are incredible.” Loved to Death plays up the perceived creepiness of the teeth by adorning them with intricate filigree in a gothic Victorian style.

human tooth jewelry by Loved to Death - etsy.com/shop/lovedtodeath
What do you think – is turning teeth into jewelry awesome or vile? Would you wear your own teeth? Or someone else’s?
I made earrings out of my baby teeth yesterday.
that is not cool
and it will never be cool
@natalia it is Uber cool and something I am doing for my son ….. maybe you like to buy your jewellery from a shop and half the population would have the same as you so I’d say this is Uber cool but you are not and has zer imagination to think outside the box

Using the teeth as plugs makes it look like you have a disgusting infection..
I won’t go so far as to put down anyone who would/do wear human teeth as jewelry but the thought of this honestly horrified me. Props on the creativity though…
@yaiza, that is cool!
I would wear my own teeth but someone elses?…ew
Ke$ha is so unoriginal and fake, not to mention asking for fans teeth is just creepy. Her own teeth maybe wouldn’t be so bad. But other people’s? Squick.
She goes by both.
I would like to wear my own teeth as jewelery, but since I haven’t had any removed and it’s quite creepy wearing other people teeth in me, I made some charms with the shape of molars. There are some left and I’m selling them on etsy.
actually it’s brittany francis.
I got my tooth during the second round of them being sold on eBay. There are not any available at this time from BFran, but I do know that Feathery Things takes requests for tooth charms and sells said requested teeth through Etsy.
They do look different from BFran’s charms, seeing as Feathery Things is not run by BFran. Here is a photo of the FT tooth charm:
Hope this helped!
BFran is Billie Francis, Sierra Kusterbeck’s best friend. =D
@Kay, jw who is bfran?
I think the way Ke$ha did it was pretty creepy >.< Sierra's are cool since they're her own, but Ke$ha… ugh. A fan actually asked Bfran (or Sierra, I can't remember) about it since Ke$ha asked for teeth after Sierra wore her's, and Bfran (or Sierra) said something like:
"That's because she's a follower. She isn't original, she isn't unique, she just follows trends. I'll admit, her music is catchy as f***, but she sure isn't one of a kind."
That's not an exact quote, but it's pretty close =P she also said something about Ke$ha coming to one of Versa's shows and being obsessed with the feathers in Bfran and Sierra's hair. Which shows, since she now wears them.
I'm not bashing Ke$ha, I just have the same opinion Bfran/Sierra does. Her music's catchy and her look is cool, but it just isn't original.
Ew. I think it’s kinda… creepy. I wouldn’t wear human bodyparts xD
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with wearing human teeth as jewelry if that’s what you want to do and in some pieces it looks really good :) I personally would be too lazy to get my teeth sterilised and made into jewelry though. Sierra’s would look better if the teeth were put into the circle setting thing :)
i want one of the teeth charms so badly! does she still sell them?
While I do not wear human teeth, I did get a polymer clay one from BFran when she was selling them off of eBay and I absolutely adore it.
I wear it in my hair almost every day, and it’s quite funny when people come up to me and ask to touch it. XD
When Sierra’s teeth fell out of her teethon stage I think that a fan picked them up, because I heard that she said that “they now had her wisdom”.