Hayley Williams: Red Checked Shirt

Hayley Williams in a Ben Sherman shirt

Hayley posted this photo on her tumblr of her wearing one of Chad’s Ben Sherman shirts. It’s quite similar to the Sportster ($69), though his has red buttons instead of white. If you don’t like the boyfriend fit, American Apparel sells a similar shirt which is unisex but comes in much smaller sizes.



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  1. found an EXTREMELY similar shirt at H&M. It was in the men’s section and it’s more pink than red, but it has white buttons and is very close to what she’s wearing.

  2. jc this site has been so dead lately. btw she got her second ear piercing like 6 months ago. + her new tattos. and hair. god dammit try even

  3. Woopsie. I posted it before I was done typing. x/

    *Maybe it would work if I wore it the same way she did with a black tank top under. :)

  4. Aww. It’s so unfair how Hayley can rock ANYTHING she wears. If I wore that I would look like a dork. Well, maybe not if she