Back of Hand Tattoos

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea added to her half-sleeve in November 2016 with this flower that goes onto the back of her right hand. The flower is a waratah which is the official state flower of New South Wales, where Iggy grew up in the town of Mullumbimby.  She told 103.5 KISS FM:

I’m from New South Wales in Australia, it’s a state, and this is our state flower that I have tattooed on me. A little piece of home.

Although Australia was her first home, Iggy never felt like she belonged there.  She became enamored with America on trip to visit her grandparents when she was 11.  She loved the glamour, the fashion, and how freely people expressed themselves.  She dropped out of high school and moved to America to pursue her music career when she was 16 years old.  She told Paper:

I knew I had to get the fuck out of where I lived. It was suffocating me. I wanted to live in a place where the sky was the limit, a place where my dreams weren’t strange or weird, where others had even crazier ideas than me. I knew all of that was in America, and that’s where I had to go and that’s where I thought people were going to accept my wild thoughts. I tried Sydney and Melbourne and they just weren’t it. Nothing else was.

Although she spends most of her time in Los Angeles, she was back in Australia when she had this tattoo done by artist SAINT at The Art Of Tattoo Studio near Sydney.


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Demi Lovato

Demi Lovato got a tattoo of a lion’s face on the back of her left hand in August 2017. She stopped by artist Bang Bang’s New York City studio while she was in the city for the Time 100 Gala.

The lion has many meanings: it is the symbol for her astrological sign Leo, a icon of strength, and a reference to her song “Lionheart.” The song is about about finding strength through love and was partly inspired by her deceased dog Buddy, whom she called her little lion heart. A lionheart is someone with exceptional courage and bravery.

Demi has said that if she were any animal she would be a lion and if she could have any animal as a pet she would have either a lion or a unicorn.


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